Russian Govt Scholarships for International Students in Russia

Higher education overseas offers an opportunity for growth and development that only a few other experiences can provide so
does a young professional need
to compete in
today’s job market
? High-quality,
prestigious education recognized all over the world. Russia, having the highest
literacy rate in the world (99,6%), is rightly proud of having one of the best
education systems in the world, as well as the greatest scientific and
technological achievements, numerous Nobel Prize Winners, cultural and sporting

es of international status and the richest resources. Every year tens of thousands
of students from all over the world come to study in Russia to get prestigious,
globally recognized and affordable education.

Advantages of Russian higher education
for foreign citizens
  • The
    Russian higher education system consists of more than 650 state
    universities where about 9 million people study; more than 210
    000 of these come from about 200 different countries. 
  • Russian
    higher education offers a wealth of choice from more than 300 medical,
    engineering, economic and humanities specialties. 
  • Russian
    higher education is based on the world-renowned school of fundamental and
    applied science, at the base of which lie the great discoveries of Russian
    scientists, which determined the course of developments in world science
    for many centuries ahead.
  • Russian
    higher education gives the possibility of access to the most modern
    laboratories and scientific-technical centers.
  • The
    highly qualified teaching personnel of Russian state universities (on
    average 80% of professors hold Ph.D. degrees) guarantee top-quality
  • Russian
    higher education consists of prestigious universities with more than 100
    years of history and globally respected degrees which are recognized all
    over the world. 
  • The
    study of foreign citizens at Russian state universities is up to 80%
    subsidized by the Government of Russia, making it affordable (the average
    cost of an academic year, including accommodation in a student hostel, is
    2500-4000 USD). 
  • Russian
    higher education is an excellent opportunity to get to know a country
    which has a lot to offer – a unique cultural and historical heritage, the
    incomparable beauty of its natural landscapes and climatic zones, the
    diversity of architectural styles in its biggest cities, and the rich
    traditions and customs of more than 160 nationalities living in Russia.
The Russian system of higher education
professional education
(engineering, economic, humanities specialties):
  • “Bachelor
    of Science” degree: course duration – 4 years;
  • “Master
    of Science” degree: course duration – 2 years;
  • “Specialist”
    or “Engineer-specialist” qualification: course duration – 5 years;
  • Post-graduate
    studies (leading to PhD): course duration – 3 years.
professional medical education:  
  • General
    medicine: course duration – 6 years;
  • Sports
    medicine: course duration – 6 years;
  • Pediatrics:
    course duration – 6 years;
  • Dentistry:
    course duration – 5 years;
  • Pharmacy:
    course duration – 5 years;
  • Clinical
    psychology: course duration – 5 years.
medical education: 
  • Internship:
    course duration – 1 year;
  • Clinical
    residency: course duration – from 2 to 5 years (depending on the specialty
    and the doctor’s wishes);
  • PhD:
    course duration – 3 years.
One academic year in Russian Universities lasts
for 10 months (September 1st – June 30th). The academic year is divided into
two semesters: the first semester is September 1st – January 25th; the second
semester is February 9th – June 30th. At the end of each semester (January and
June) students take tests and exams in the disciplines that they have studied.
Between semesters students have vacations: winter vacation (2 weeks: from 25th
January to 9th February), and summer vacation (2 months: from 1st July to 30th
August). During winter and summer vacations students may either stay in Russia
or travel home.
Grading system in the Russian Federation:
«5» – excellent; «4» – good; «3» – satisfactory;
«2» – unsatisfactory; – «pass» and «not pass». The lowest passing score is «3»
or «pass».
Mode and language of study
In Russia different modes of study exist, though
for international students only full-time, face-to-face mode is available
(students from the CIS countries who are fluent in Russian may also study via
distance learning).
Studies in Russian universities are carried out in
Russian language. In some specialties the training is also delivered in English
(about 20 specialties) and French (general medicine, pharmacy). Candidates
choosing the training in English or French must have an interview to check
their language competency upon arrival. The results of international language
tests (e.g., IELTS, TOEFL, CAE, DALF, TCF etc.) are not required. Irrespective
of medium of instruction, a Russian language course is an integral and
important part of the curriculum. Knowledge of Russian language is essential
for international students in Russia for everyday life, communication in and
outside the university, and for comprehensive use of the millions of pieces of
educational literature available throughout the whole period of study. If a
student chooses to study in Russian, he/she spends the first year on a foundation
course, where for 7-10 months he/she studies Russian language and other major
subjects of the future specialty: medical & biological stream – chemistry
and biology; economic and engineering stream – math, physics and information
technology; humanities stream – history, social science, literature etc. The
university may include other subjects in the curriculum of the foundation
Upon successful completion of university,
graduates receive higher education degrees of the Russian national standard
confirming the obtaining of higher education and indicating the
degree/qualification (“Bachelor of Science”, “Master of Science”,
“Specialist/Engineer-Specialist”) and specialty. Graduates also get an
additional document upon request – a “European Appendix” that allows them to
get equivalence of the degree in any of 47 European and other countries signed
to the Lisbon Recognition Convention and Bologna declaration on the creation of
a European Higher Education Area; this enables graduates to continue their
education or find work in these countries. The recognition of Russian degrees
all over the world is guaranteed in accordance with concluded intergovernmental
and international agreements. At the present time all Russian state university
degrees are recognized all over the world.
Admission requirements for Russian state universities
Applications for study on a foundation course are
accepted from 1st March until 1st October. Classes start from 20th September
(subject to there being enough students to start a group). It is recommended
that students arrive no later than 15th November for study on foundation
Applications for study on main courses (first and
subsequent years) are accepted from 1st March until 15th August of each year
for passport-holders of visa-free countries and from 1st March until 15th July
for passport holders of countries requiring a visa. Classes start from 1st
A foreign citizen can be admitted to Russian state
university if the following requirements are met:
– for Bachelor’s
or Specialist’s programs, if:
has a document of complete secondary education or any other equivalent
– for
Master’s program, if:
has a “Bachelor’s degree” or a “Specialist’s degree” with the course duration
not less than 4 years;
– for
postgraduate studies (PhD), if:
He/she has a “Master’s degree” (with the course
duration not less than 2 years) or a “Specialist’s degree” with the course
duration not less than 5 years
– for
postgraduate medical studies (internship, clinical residency), if:
has a degree of higher medical /dental/pharmaceutical education.
The requirements for educational documents of
foreign citizens are based on the requirements and legislation of the country
that has issued these documents. If a foreign citizen has educational documents
that permit him/her to enter university in his/her country in a desired
specialty, he/she is also able to apply to a Russian university.
All foreign citizens who enter Russian
universities through RACUS are enrolled to study on the basis of entrance
assessments (interview, testing), but on a non-competitive basis and without
entrance examinations. Exception is made for the specialties of culture and
art, where students are required to present artwork and/or demonstrate creative
Life and Health insurance
Life and health insurance is obligatory for any
foreign citizen arriving to the Russian Federation for studies. The cost of
life and health insurance amounts from 160 USD to 250 USD for one year and
depends on the chosen program of insurance.
So, the choice is yours. You have the opportunity
to get an in-demand profession, build your future career, to make lifelong
friends and to broaden your cultural, intellectual and personal horizons.
Surely everyone dreams of these things? You only need to understand who you
want to become and where you want to study; then you are ready to make your
first step towards high-quality and affordable higher education with
Don’t miss your chance! It’s all in your hands! It’s time to study
in Russia!

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