Umuhuza,Project Officers Jobs in Rwanda

JOB TITLE:  Project Officers
(two positions )

Umuhuza is a Non Governmental
Organization founded in 2005 and recognized by the Rwanda Governance board in
the official gazette no 50 bis with legal personality no 104/2014. 
Umuhuza aims to foster a culture of peace through education focusing on
educating parents of young children to promote improved childhood development
and create peaceful citizens.
Presently, from January 2016, the

rganisation is expanding to work with Save the Children International (SCI)
on School – Community  Partnerships Education(SCOPE) project funded by
USAID.  It is in light of this expansion that the organisation requires
the additional Staff.

Umuhuza is seeking  project
(2)  for a USAID-funded School Community Partnerships
Education project, which aims to support the Rwandan Education Board to
create and roll-out a school-community partnership model to complement
improved reading and writing instruction delivered in schools. Project
Officers will support their respective coordinator with the implementation
and rollout of trainings at the subnational levels. These positions will
attend and support the training and meetings rollout both technically and
Engagement coordinator
Planning and delivery
  • Lead
    TOT, awareness meetings and literacy campaign with targeted community,
    local leaders and partners.
  • Develop
    the list of equipment and materials which is necessary for carrying out
    training  and meeting sessions;
  • Organizing
    the logistics of the training and meeting event: invitations, venue,
    registrations, accommodation, meals, travel, etc.
  • As
    per needed , Collecting feedback and experiences, analysing the lessons
    learned  Overall the training events and follow up process
  • Liaison
    with Districts and sectors authorities, in order to identify synergies
    and opportunities of collaboration
  • Reporting
    community engagement activities on regular basis 
  • Conduct
    field supervision and document activity progress and any constraints
    found at field
  • Sensitization
    of key stakeholders (district, sector education officers, parents) on
    the literacy activities
  • Support
    SCOPE team to develop literacy social behavior change communications
    campaign messages and materials.
  • Support
    in the organization of national literacy events
System Strengthening, Capacity
Building and Innovation:
  • Facilitate
    the training of ‘Literacy Champions’ to support out-of-school activities
    relating to reading, including reading clubs, reading buddies and
    reading festivals
  • Support
    the process of awareness creation with local authorities and work with
    them to integrate literacy messages into umuganda and to support
    other activities as the community level.
  • Facilitate
    the identification of options for Government mechanisms to support home
    visits to promote home-based literacy activities.
  • In
    collaboration with other partners, support the inclusion of
    school-community partnerships for literacy promotion in District imihigo
    (performance contracts).
  • Support
    in  the piloting of reading clubs at community level
  • Facilitate
    the organization of literacy festivals at community level
  • Facilitate
    training to SGACs on reading club monitoring and general oversight
  • Supporting
    the efforts of SGACs to identify Literacy Champions within the communities.
  • Develop
    and implement  follow-up techniques in order to assist trained
    person   in development of their own services to be provided;
    •  Collaborate
      with relevant gender-focused stakeholders on building the capacity of
      women to assume leadership roles within SGACs.
  • Develop
    and implement effective strategies  to Collecting feedback ,
    experiences and lessons learned  Overall the project implementation
    and  follow up process
Monitoring, Accountability and
  • Facilitate
    monitoring and reporting on key community engagement activities
    including documentation of key achievements, lessons learnt and their
  • Lead
    effective collaboration with SGACs to promote linkages between in-school
    and out-of-school activities in relation to literacy promotion
Child Safeguarding
  • Understand
    the provisions of the Child Safeguarding Policy, Code of Conduct and
    Local/Country Procedures and conduct oneself in accordance with the
    rules of the Child Safeguarding Policy, in personal and professional
    lives – which includes reporting suspicions of child abuse.
  • Ensure
    that all project activities carried out are considered in relation to
    prevention of sexual exploitation and abuse and handling of serious
    complaints in line with the child safeguarding policy.
  • Promote
    the message of child safeguarding to colleagues in other organizations
    and government ministries, children in their own and beneficiary
    families, and community members in general and be vigilant about
    observing possible child abuse/harm in their personal and professional
  • Comply
    with Umuhuza policies and practice with respect to child protection,
    code of conduct, health and safety, equal opportunities and other
    relevant policies and procedures.
  • Perform
    other duties, as assigned by Community engagement coordinator
AND BEHAVIOURS (our Values in Practice)
  • Treats
    all people(beneficiaries ,colleagues,  partners, ….) with dignity
    and respect
  • Actively
    consults and listens closely to team members, fellow staff, and partners
  • Handles
    conflicts in a constructive and supportive manner 
  • Seeks
    first to understand others’ needs, ideas and suggestions
and Integrity:
  • Honest,
    encourages openness and transparency, builds trust and confidence
  • Displays
    consistent excellent judgement
  • Considers
    whether decisions and actions will advance justice, peace, and
  • Uses
    resources justly, equitably, and efficiently
  • Inclusiveness/gender
  • Approachable,
    good listener, easy to talk to; builds and maintains effective
    relationships with colleagues, Members and external partners and
  • Values
    diversity and different people’s perspectives, able to work
  • Committing
    to Umuhuza’s mission for his/her selves and the team, takes
    responsibility for  his/her own personal commitment and encourages
    the team to do the same
  • Future
    orientated, thinks strategically and on a global scale
  • Bachelor’s
    degree in, social sciences, education or related fields;
  • At
    least 3 years of extensive working experience in  developing and
    conducting trainings and community mobilization
  • Proved
    experience in working with local authorities , local communities and
    local NGOs/CBOs
  • Experience
    working with  education system including working with DEOs, SEOs,
    Head Teachers, SGACs, and other school management authorities
  • Excellent
    command of the Kinyarwanda and  English  language with writing
    and communication skills and full computer literacy
  • Have
    good interpersonal and collaborative skills.
  • Patient,
    adaptable, flexible, able to improvise and remain responsive and
    communicate clearly and effectively under pressure
  • Commitment
    to Umuhuza values
If you meet all the above criteria,
please submit  your  hard copy of degrees and CV together with a
cover letter including  telephone and email contact and details of three
referees (one of whom should be your current or most recent employer) to   
Umuhuza  Kigali office  near to MINAGRI Kacyiru Sector/
Kamatamu cell, Uruhongore Village/ PO Box 2030 Kigali, KG 571 ST 
note that :
deadline for the submission your application is 21rst March 
2016 at 5:30pm
applications which do not meet the specified minimum requirements or are
received after the closing date will be rejected.
short listed candidates will be contacted.

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