is it about?
at the latest with advance copy by email.
a view to promoting human resource capacities in the developing countries and
to enhancing international understanding and friendship among nations and the
people of Poland, th
e Polish National Commission for UNESCO and the UNESCO
Chair for Science, Technology and Engineering at the AGH University of Science
and Technology in Krakow are placing at the disposal of UNESCO thirty-five
(35) fellowships of six (6) months duration starting on 1st
October 2016 for the benefit of Member States listed in Annex I.
Beneficiaries of these fellowships will be given the opportunity to undertake
an individual research programme in the field of Science, Technology and
Engineering. For more information please visit also http://www.unesco.agh.edu.pl/en/
of Research (Please refer to the list of invited Member States entitled to
submit applications hereunder)
Projec No. |
(Number of Fellowships)
01 |
Drilling Engineering (2)
Drilling and hydraulic fracturing |
Africa, Asia and the Pacific, Latin America and the Caribbean
no more than 40 years of age
B.Sc or M.Sc degree in
engineering preferably in petroleum, earth engineering, physics, mathematics or computer sciences. |
02 |
Geophysics or Physics (1)
Study of radionuclides and rare elements deposits |
Africa, Asia and the Pacific
no more than 35 years of age
B.Sc degree
Principle knowledge about rare and radioactive deposits and preferable for candidates with solid and water samples collected from deposits in his country. |
03 |
Decision Engineering. (2)
Problem base engineering |
Africa, Asia and the Pacific, Latin America and the Caribbean
no more than 40 years of age
B.Sc or M.Sc degree
Be able to use MS Office and drawing programs; a general knowledge related to engineering problems. |
04 |
Automation in Mining Devices (4)
Mining devices automation
Africa, Asia and the Pacific, Latin America and the
Caribbean |
no more than 40 years of age
B.Sc or M.Sc degree in automation, mining devices
05 |
devices (4) Selected problems in operation of mining devices |
Africa, Asia and the Pacific, Latin America and the Caribbean
no more than 40 years of age
B.Sc or M.Sc degree in engineering, mining
devices. |
06 07 |
Transport Engineering (4)
Availability problems in transportation systems and devices (2) Transport System Telematics (2) |
Africa, Asia and the Pacific, Latin America and the Caribbean
no more than 40 years of age
B.Sc or M.Sc degree
(06) Be able to write computer
programs, for example, be familiar with CAD/CAM/CAE; A general knowledge related to transportation programmes, including safety and reliability problems.
(07) Candidates should have
degree in mechanical/ transport engineering/ automation; be familiar transport telematics; be able to analyse reliability, maintain ability and availability of machine maintenance as well as modelling. |
08 |
Manufacturing Transport Engineering (2)
Transportation technology system and devices. |
Africa, Asia and the Pacific, Latin America and the Caribbean
no more than 40 years of age
B.Sc or M.Sc degree
Be able to write computer programs (be familiar with CAD/CAM/CAE), have a general knowledge related to transportation programmes, including safety and reliability problems. |
09 |
Sensor Engineering (1)
Inter-digital Piezoelectric transducers in Structural Health monitoring. |
Africa, Asia and the Pacific, Latin America and the Caribbean
no more than 30 years of age
B.Sc or M.Sc degree
Experienced in the field of Piezoelectric transducers and general knowledge in ultrasound, sensor engineering, signal processing. |
10 |
Economic Sociology and Economics (1)
Interrelations between new technologies and social, economic life in globalizing world. |
Africa, Asia and the Pacific, Latin America and the Caribbean
no more than 35 years of age
B.Sc or M.Sc degree in humanities or Social
sciences or economy General knowledge in world economics |
11 |
Foundry Engineering (1)
Ecological assessment of the polymer binder in the form: copolymer of maleinic acid/modified polysaccharide. |
Europe, Latin America and the Caribbean
no more than 25 years of age
B.Sc degree
General knowledge in chemistry of polymers engineering, environmental harmful substances. |
12 13 14 |
Foundry Engineering (3)
Influence of cerium on the morphology of non-metallic inclusion in microralloyed steel (1)
Evolution of chemical
composition of non-metallic precipitates generated in the process of the de-oxidization and modification of lanthanum steel (1).
Influence of the neodymium on
the morphology of non-metallic inclusion in steel (1). |
Asia and the Pacific and Europe
no more than 40 years of age
B.Sc or M.Sc degree
General knowledge in steel
metallurgy materials engineering, physics and mathematics. |
15 29 30 |
(6) Geological characteristic of tin deposit in Africa. (4) Geological characteristic of chromite deposit in Balkan. (1) Geological characteristic of metallic deposit in Balkan. (1) |
Africa, Asia and the Pacific
Africa, Asia and the Pacific and Europe Africa, Asia and the Pacific and Europe |
no more than 30 years of age
same as above no more than 35 years of age |
B.Sc or M.Sc degree
Basic knowledge on mineral deposits and general knowledge in geology and optical mineralogy.
Basic knowledge on mineral
deposits. General knowledge in geology is required; and optical mineralogy is welcome.
Basic knowledge on mineral
deposits; general knowledge in geology is required;
knowledge in optical mineralogy
is welcome. |
16 |
Vision (2) Research in computer vision and cognitive robotics. |
Asia and the Pacific
no more than 25 years of age
B.Sc or M.Sc degree
Very good
background in mathematics, interest in computer science, particularly in computer vision and robotics. General knowledge of programming C/C++, Matlab or Python; basic knowledge of image processing and analysis technics. Strong background in mathematics particularly in linear algebra. |
17 18 19 |
Materials Science (6)
Advanced ceramic materials-synthesis, properties and possible application (2). Granular metals-fabrication characterization and modelling. (2) Electrochemically Engineered Materials– synthesis, properties and possible |
Africa, Asia and the Pacific, Latin America and the Caribbean
no more than 30 years of age
B.Sc or M.Sc degree in
materials science or chemistry.
General knowledge in materials
science, (especially in ceramic technology of porous materials). Be able to work in a group, good communication skills, be highly motivated, innovative with some experimental and process development skills and an open-minded approach to new ideas and concepts.
B.Sc or M.Sc degree in Chemistry, Physics or
material engineering. General knowledge in Chemistry and Physics. Be able to work in group and have good communication skills B.Sc or M.Sc degree in Chemistry or material engineering. General knowledge in chemistry, especially in electrochemical method of obtaining nanostructured materials. |
20 |
(1) MOS2 based thin films for solar energy conversion. |
Africa, Asia and the Pacific, Latin America and the Caribbean
no more than 30 years of age
B.Sc or M.Sc degree in Physics, chemistry or
material engineering. General knowledge in thin films, solid states physics and chemistry, methods of thin films elaboration; scientific approach to the problem; be able to work in group and good communications skills. |
21 |
Materials (1) Local in situ composite reinforcements in ferrous casting for abrasive wear resistance enhancement |
Africa, Asia and the Pacific, Latin America and the Caribbean
no more than 40 years of age
B.Sc or M.Sc degree in Materials
Science/Materials Engineering/Metallurgy or similar subjects. General knowledge in materials investigation techniques (e.g. x-ray diffraction, electron microscopy) |
22 |
Vision (2) Embedded implementation of selected vision algorithms using heterogeneous Zynq SoC (System on Chip) devices |
Africa, Asia and the Pacific, Latin America and the Caribbean
no more than 30 years of age
B.Sc or M.Sc degree
Candidates should have background in : computer science (mainly programming in C/C++/Python/Matlab/Open CV and general algorithms); basic skills in computer vision, embedded systems 5ARM processor programming and Linux OS) and FPGA devices (e.g. VHDL or Verilog, Xilinx FPGA devices, Xilinix Zynq devices, Xilinx tools like ISE, Vivado, SDK). Only the Computer Science is mandatory, however others will greatly help finishing the project (no additional time for studying this subjects will be required). |
23 |
and Mining (1) Analysis of use geothermal waters for energetical purposes |
Africa, Asia and the Pacific, Latin America and the Caribbean
no more than 40 years of age
B.Sc or M.Sc degree
Engineering background in one of the following fields: mining and geology, heat transfer, civil engineering. |
24 25 27 28 |
Gas Engineering (8)
Design of compressed air energy storages in salt caverns (2)
Reservoir fluid recombination in conventional and unconventional
Optimization of the
gas-condensate reservoir exploitation in the recovery of ethane and LPG (2) Nodal analysis for unconventional tight gas reservoirs. (2) |
Africa, Asia and the Pacific, Latin America and the Caribbean
no more than 35 years of age
B.Sc or M.Sc degree in petroleum engineering,
geoscience, gas engineering or mechanical engineering. |
26 |
Geoturism (2)
Selected geological objects and their geotouristics values. |
Africa, Asia and the Pacific, Latin America and the Caribbean
no more than 40 years of age
B.Sc or M.Sc degree in geology geophysics and
environmental protection. |
Total positions: 53
of invited Member States entitled to submit applications
Member States)
•Benin •Botswana •Burkina Faso •Burundi •Cameroon •Cape Verde •Central African
Republic •Chad •Comoros •Congo •Côte d’Ivoire •Democratic Republic of the Congo
•Djibouti •Equatorial Guinea •Eritrea •Ethiopia •Gabon •Gambia •Ghana •Guinea
•Guinea-Bissau •Kenya •Lesotho •Liberia •Madagascar •Malawi •Mali •Mauritius
•Mozambique •Namibia •Niger •Nigeria •Rwanda •Sao Tome and Principe •Senegal •Seychelles
•Sierra Leone •Somalia •South Africa •Swaziland •Togo •Uganda •United Republic
of Tanzania •Zambia •Zimbabwe
•Bangladesh •Bhutan • Brunei Darussalam Cambodia •China
•Fiji •India •Indonesia •Kazakhstan •Kiribati •Kyrgyzstan •Lao People’s
Democratic Republic •Malaysia •Maldives
•Mongolia •Myanmar •Nauru •Nepal •Niue •Pakistan •Palau •Papua
New Guinea •Philippines •Samoa •Sri Lanka •Tajikistan •Thailand
•Timor-Leste •Tonga •Turkmenistan •Tuvalu •Uzbekistan •Vanuatu •Viet Nam
and Herzegovina •Croatia •Georgia •Republic of Moldova •The former
Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia •Turkey •Ukraine
Etats membres)
•Barbados •Belize •Bolivia (Plurinational State of) •Brazil •Chile •Colombia
•Costa Rica •Cuba •Dominica •Dominican Republic •Ecuador •El Salvador •Grenada
•Guatemala •Guyana •Haiti •Honduras •Jamaica •Mexico •Nicaragua •Panama
•Paraguay •Peru •Saint Kitts and Nevis •Saint Lucia •Saint Vincent and the
Grenadines •Suriname •Trinidad and Tobago •Uruguay •Venezuela(Bolivarian
Republic of)
required qualifications for each field of research (project) are as per the
attached annexes to this letter of announcement (see Annex III).
offered by Polish Authorities
Free tuition and access to the university facilities based on the local
at the AGH UST Student Campus organised for fellows by the UNESCO AGH Chair.
Monthly allowance of 1350 PLN (1 USD = approximately 3.9 PLN)
corresponding to the salary of a local junior research fellow. Thus, all living
expenses and accommodation in Poland are to be borne by the fellow with this
allowance; and;
one especial allowance of 1350 PLN to be paid upon arrival in Poland,
this sum will cover different activities related to your stay in Krakow, such
as an obligatory medical check-up upon arrival (in accordance with the internal
regulations for all students); cultural, historical and/or touristic visits,
conferences, workshops, and seminars related to your studies.
provision to finance or lodge family members is made.
the end of the research studies, the beneficiaries will receive a certificate
attesting to their attendance at the host institution, this certificate will be
given after receipt of the requested reports and financial clearance from the
offered by UNESCO
International travel expenses: (by the most direct, economical route) from the
beneficiary’s country to and from Poland will be covered by UNESCO under its
Regular Programme Budget.
(ii) Health insurance for fellowship beneficiaries who are declared medically
fit: UNESCO fellowship holders may be covered by a health insurance policy,
taken-out by the Organization for the duration of fellowship. The costs of this
health insurance is subscribed to and covered by UNESCO on behalf of awarded
of applications
applications in duplicate must
be channelled through the National Commission for UNESCO of the candidate’s
country and communicated to Mr Stoyan Bantchev, Chief, Participation
programme and Fellowships Section, by 30 April 2016 at the latest (GMT
+01:00) to UNESCO mailing address. An advance copy of the application
should be sent by fax (33.1) or by e-mail unesco3(at)agh.edu.pl;
b.qin@unesco.org and l.zas-friz@unesco.org. Applications should have imperatively
the following attachments in DUPLICATE:
four (4) pages duly completed in English using capital letter (illegible
documents will be eliminated from the procedure, hand writing form must include
capital letter only);
applications (4×6 cm);
Bachelor’s or Master’s Degree obtained; and,
duly completed by a relevant authority, if the mother tongue of the candidate
is not English.
related to the candidate’s work, as well confirming the candidate’s
themselves to the Fellowship e-registration system available on the page: www.unesco.agh.edu.pl/en/
ensure that all candidates are duly informed of the above-mentioned conditions
prior to the submission of applications.
the deadline as well as candidatures that do not fulfil the requirements will
not be taken into consideration.
through their respective National Commissions for UNESCO.
Commission from the country of the candidate.
from countries where Polish Embassies or Consulates exit, will have to obtain
their entry visa to the country of study prior to their departure. Fellows,
from countries where no such Embassy or Consulate exists, must secure their
visa through the nearest Embassy of the Republic of Poland.
UNESCO and the Government of the Republic of Poland provide no allowance
to defray passport and visa expenses. Selected beneficiaries will have to
secure their own visas themselves.