research scholarships
and Statistics Doctoral Research Scholarship
A doctoral research
scholarship awarded to outstanding candidates to undertake research on a
project funded by the Australian Research Council.
Project `New Methods in Theory and Cosmic Applicat
ions of Spherical Random
Fields’ aims to investigate and model spherical random fields which are
described as solutions of stochastic differential equations on a sphere or a
ball. The project will study properties and develop spectral analysis of these
solutions. The obtained theoretical results will be used to construct new
methods for numerical approximation and statistical estimation of these random
fields. In particular, novel asymptotic and statistical methodology will be
developed for tensor random fields. The results will be applied to model and
analyse cosmic microwave background data. The work will improve the accuracy in
determining cosmological parameters and provide novel tools for better
understanding of the Universe during its early stages.
Downloadthe scholarship flyer for full details [PDF 36KB]