Dr. Irwin E. Vinnik Fellowship for Advanced Study in Israel

& Awards

Irwin E. Vinnik Fellowship for Advanced Study in Israel


deadline is Tuesday, March 15, 2016 – please scroll down for more details.


Honoring the memory of sandy vinnik

We honor the memory
of Sandy Vinnik, an inspiring leader, a committed volunteer, and a dedicated
learner. Sandy was deeply involved with the Center for Judaic Studies (CJS),
the Rocky Mountain Jewish Historical Society (RMJHS), and the Holocaust
Awareness Institute (HAI) for decades, bringing a profound blend of mind and
heart to everything she did. Sandy was the thoughtful founder of and outspoken
advocate for the Dr. Irwin E. Vinnik Fellowship for Advanced Study in Israel.

to learn how you can make a donation in memory of Sandy Vinnik
for an alphabetical list of those who have given in Sandy’s memory

new application deadline for 2016 is March 15th!

the Fellowship & Application

The Dr. Irwin E.
Vinnik Fellowship for Advanced Study in Israel honors the life of the late Dr.
Irwin E. Vinnik, esteemed physician, scholar, professor of medicine, and
respected community leader and activist.

His love of
education and dream of bridging the gap between the United States and Israel,
and among Jews, Muslims and Christians inspired the Vinnik family to establish
the memorial scholarship fund.

By providing funds
for educational travel to Israel, the fellowship honors Dr. Vinnik’s wish to
foster increased understanding of Israel, Judaism, and Israeli and Jewish

Since 1989, more
than 80 students, community leaders, and educators of diverse faiths and
cultures have received fellowship support. Fields of study have ranged from the
Dead Sea Scrolls to peace studies to Israeli music.

  • Eligibility
    This award is open to anyone age 18 or
    older interested in educational travel to Israel. We encourage
    applications from community members from all religious and cultural
    backgrounds, as well as from teachers, clergy, and students at the high
    school, undergraduate and graduate levels. Those enrolled in programs in
    Judaic studies, religion, and interfaith studies, or who are pursuing
    ministerial or rabbinic degrees are encouraged to apply.


A complete
application includes the following:

  1. Cover
    On the cover page, please provide us with your name, address, phone, email
    address and a one-paragraph synopsis of your proposal.
  2. Statement
    of Purpose
    Please provide a proposal (no more than 3 double-spaced, 8 1/2″ by
    11″ pages) that clearly articulates in detail your proposed plan of
    study and/or research project, and explains how it will inform your
    general course of study or professional development. Please be sure to
    state how your plan addresses one or more aspects of the late Dr. Vinnik’s
    wish to foster an increased understanding of Israeli and Jewish culture,
    Judaism and Israel. Please be as detailed as possible (e.g. if you are
    going to participate in a program, tell us the name of the program and a
    bit about it, and include the website address so that committee members
    can look up more information easily). Your proposal should also make clear
    what other sources of funding you have or are pursuing to enable you to
    pursue your plan.
  3. Colorado
    Impact Plan
    Fellowship awardees must bring their experiences back to positively impact
    on Colorado within one year of their return from travel. This can be done
    in the form of a lecture or presentation, a publication, or in some other
    creative way; the goal is to benefit the Colorado community in which you
    study or work, or perhaps to build a bridge to help some new Colorado
    community with which you are less familiar. As part of your application,
    please provide a one-paragraph (and no more than one-page) proposal
    articulating how you will share your experience upon your return to
    Colorado. Please be as detailed as possible (e.g. if you plan to give a
    lecture, please tell us where, etc.).
  4. Two
    letters of reference
  5. Resume
    or CV

  6. Budget
    of your Israel program up to $2,500:
    committee reserves the right to fund selected proposals in total or
  7. Winner
    • As a
      Vinnik Fellowship recipient, you will be expected to:
    • Share
      your experiences upon your return from Israel (see Colorado Impact Plan
    • Submit
      a 500-word essay about your experience within one month of returning from
      travel. (Submitting photos of your experiences in Israel are also
      encouraged and will be used for publicity purposes in connection with the
    • Submit
      to us a JPEG photo of yourself (for use in publicity).
    • Attend
      a special Vinnik Award reception at DU to talk about your experience.
      This might include speaking for about 3-5 minutes and/or preparing a PPT,
      or a one-page write-up for use as part of a poster display. (Note: This
      would be in addition to whatever you will be doing as part of your
      Colorado Impact Plan.)
    • Work
      with the CJS staff to complete paperwork for receiving your award.

in your application

Please send completed
applications by March 15, 2016 to:

Vinnik Fellowship

Center for Judaic

University of Denver
2000 E. Asbury Ave.,
Ste. 157

Denver, CO 80208-0911

Contact Information:
For further information, please contact us at cjs@du.edu, or by phone at

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