Awards Fellowships
Australia Awards Fellowships
Australia Awards
Fellowships offer Australian organisations, from all sectors, the opportunity
to deepen and broaden their links with leaders and professionals in developing
countries. By providing opportunities for Fellows to undertake short term study
and professional development in Australia, they aim to:
- strengthen
partnerships and links between Australian organisations and partner
organisations in developing countries, in support of Australia’s economic
diplomacy and public
diplomacy objectives; and - increase
the capacity of developing countries to advance priority foreign affairs
and development issues of shared interest at the country, sub-regional and
regional levels.
Fellowships target
current and future leaders and mid-career professionals who will be in a
position to advance priority foreign affairs and development issues on their
return home. Fellowship activities are aimed at providing high-quality
training, exchange of expertise, skills and knowledge, and opportunities to
enhance networks on issues of shared interest.
Grant funding of up
to $25,000 per Fellow is offered on a competitive basis to Australian
organisations to support a range of professional development activities.
Fellowship activities may include a combination of short-term study and/or
training, professional development, networking and work experience, and are
delivered in Australia by the Australian Host Organisation for Fellows from eligible
countries. Australia Awards Fellowships do not fund study that results in
an academic qualification, as these opportunities are provided under Australia
Awards Scholarships.
DFAT invites
Australian organisations to submit applications that align with the aims of the
Australian Government’s development policy Australian
aid: promoting prosperity, reducing poverty, enhancing stability
and the Australia Awards Fellowships program. Applicants must identify
the foreign affairs and development policy theme that is the focus of their
Fellowship proposal from the list of aid program priority areas identified in
the Round 16 Guidelines.
Eligible applicants
organisations with on-going links to overseas counterpart organisations in
eligible countries are eligible to apply for an Australia Awards Fellowship. As
a pilot in Round 16, DFAT will support high quality applications from
Australian organisations requesting funding to establish new organisational
links, where the applicant demonstrates a strong understanding of the country
organisations must be legal entities with an Australian Business Number (ABN).
organisations and individuals are not eligible to apply for a Fellowship. They
may, however, initiate contact with an Australian organisation to explore the
organisation’s interest in applying for a Fellowship grant.
Study opportunities for individuals from developing countries are available
under AustraliaAwards Scholarships.
Two fellows attended
a three-week intensive program on climate change mitigation in the Pacific. Find
out more about this fellowship
Fellowships funded
under previous rounds:
- Australian
organisations funded under previous rounds and numbers of participating
Fellows by country (PDF 163kb) - Australian
organisations funded under previous rounds and numbers of participating
Fellows by country (Word 87kb)
to Round 16
Please note the following
new features in Round 16:
- Australian
organisations may request additional funding of up to $10,000 for
bilateral Fellowships and $20,000 for multilateral Fellowships to conduct
eligible follow-up activities in the partner country or regions. - Fellows
participating in follow-up activities in their home countries will be
required to complete the Fellows Completion Survey in two parts. - DFAT
will pilot offering support to Australian organisations establishing new
links where the applicant has demonstrated a strong understanding of the
country and context in which they propose to work. - Two new
themes have been added to the list of development issues: - Innovation
and Science fellowships, which advance the Australian Government’s
National Innovation and Science Agenda through international exchange to
promote links between research and institutions and businesses; and - Tropical
Health and Medical Research. - The
maximum number of nominated Fellows per Fellowship is 15. - The
maximum cost per Fellows has been capped at $25,000. - Grant
recipients must have the capacity to complete the Activity Completion
Report (ACR)/grant acquittal within 45 days of the Fellowship concluding. - Late
submissions will receive a penalty score in future funding rounds. - All
Fellows must sign and return a Child Protection Code of Conduct attached
to their Acceptance of Award letter of offer.
How to apply
organisations must read the Round 16 Australia Awards Fellowships Guidelines
before applying. Applications must be lodged online at
Round 16 will open 1 February 2016 and close 10 March 2016.
Additional resources
Additional resources
to assist in preparing your application or acquitting your grant funding:
- Australia
Awards Fellowships Round 16 Guidelines [PDF 1.3 MB] | [Word
1 MB] - Sample
Budget [PDF 58 KB] | [XLS
43 KB] - Guidelines
on returning unspent funds
If after reading all
materials on this website you still have questions, please email