Jacobs Infrastructure and Environment Scholarship in New Zealand

Scholarship was established in 2004 and is financed by Jacobs (previously known
as SKM).

main purpose of the Scholarship is to assist and encourage students taking the
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) majoring in Civil Engineering. This will
enable Jacobs to support the engineering professi

on by being involved in the
education of future engineers and create personal mutually advantageous links
during the term of the scholarship between the scholarship provider and the

Selection Criteria

  • To
    take up and be paid the Scholarship, the recipient must be enrolled and
    have paid the fees, or arranged to pay the fees for Part II, Part III or
    Part IV of the Bachelor of Engineering (Honours), Bachelor of Science/
    Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) conjoint degree or a Bachelor of
    Commerce/ Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) conjoint degree in Civil
    Engineering. Note that fees relating to conjoint subjects are excluded.

General Information

do students apply?

Please note, Scholarships usually open for application approximately 6 weeks
before the closing date.

Click on the application link to apply.

Regulations (PDF version)
To apply, click here


The Scholarship will be awarded by the University of Auckland Council upon the
recommendation of a selection committee comprising the Dean of the Faculty of
Engineering (or nominee), the Head of the Department of Civil Engineering (or
nominee) and a Jacob representative.

and when do students learn of the decision?

Approximately six weeks after the closing date by letter or email.

conditions are attached to acceptance of this award?

Please refer to the regulations.

  • Please
    refer to the regulations.
else has information about this award?

Scholarships Office, the University of Auckland.

more information about this award contact:

Scholarship Office
The University of Auckland

Phone: +64 9 373 7599
Email: scholarships@auckland.ac.nz

Also visit The University of Auckland Scholarships webpage: http://www.auckland.ac.nz/uoa/home/for/current-students/cs-scholarships-and-awards

Search for University of Auckland scholarships on: http://www.auckland.ac.nz/uoa/cs-search-for-scholarships-and-awards

Regulations (PDF version)
To apply, click here

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