RLRC,Administrative Assistant to the Chairperson Jobs in Rwanda

to the Prime Minister’s Order No 28/03 of 2/02/2015 determining the
organizational structure, salaries and fringe benefits for employees of the
Rwanda Law Reform Commission (RLRC), The Rwanda Law Reform Commission wishes to
recruit qualified staff to fill the vacant positions of its structure.
Positions for which candidates are sought their duties and responsibilities,

quired profiles and numbers of positions are as follows:

Assistant to the Chairperson (1)
and Responsibilities:

Verify the form and the substance of document submitted to the Chairperson for

Make logistical preparation of all meetings and travels of the Chairperson;

Manage the Chairperson’s agenda;

Manage appointment schedules of visitors;

Set up and constantly update a filing system in the Office of the Chairperson;

Handle and forward correspondences, type texts and documents from the
Chairperson to the intended recipients;

Organize the Chairperson’s Office,
in Secretarial Studies, Office Management or AO In Public Administration, Administrative
Sciences, Management, Sociology, Social Work, Law

Interested candidates meeting the above qualifications should submit the
following documents to the Central secretariat of RLRC not later than Friday
August 7, 2015, 5PM;

Application letter addressed to the Chairperson of the RLRC

A filled application form obtained from the PSC website, www.psc.gov.rw 
or RLRC website, www.rlrc.gov.rw

Detailed CV including names and telephone contacts of three reference persons

A Copy of the required Degree or Diploma

Copy of National ID
Details regarding the key technical skills and knowledge required can be
obtained from the Prime Minister’s Order. No 28/03 of 24/02/2015 determining
the organizational structure, salaries and fringe benefits for employees of the
Rwanda Law Reform Commission (RLRC) available on the RLRC website or in the
official gazette no special 6126/02/2015 Where working experience is required,
it should be related to the job applied for.

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