Programme Officer- GIZ – Deutsche Gesellschaft fur
Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH
Building partnerships to promote innovations in selected value chains,
Development of agriculture-related training institutions’ capacities and
Implementing training measures trough improved extension services
Reporting to the Team Leader, the Programme Officer is a key member of
the programme and is responsible for Supporting the programme team in design
and implementing activities aimed at reinforcing institut
ional linkages and
transfer of knowledge between research, training and a variety of outreach services
in the agricultural sector, Implementing activities aimed at reinforcing the
agricultural technical education/training system in selected value chains
(cassava and oilseeds), Coordinating joint activities with other programmes
including the regional programme “Promotion of Technical and Vocational
Education and Training for the Agriculture Sector in Africa (CAADP/ATVET),
Monitoring, evaluation and knowledge management of selected programme
Provide capacity building support to selected agricultural training colleges,
including the development and implementation of improved teaching curricula
(diploma/degree level), training modules for short term courses), promotion of
selected cross-cutting topics (e.g. mechanization, irrigation, agribusiness/entrepreneurship)
further qualification of teaching staff and the provision of adequate
training materials/facilities, Interact with private companies in order to
develop an adequate response to private sector requests for quality training
services and technical staff profiles, Liase with international agricultural
research institutions to institutionalize exchange programmes and transfer of
knowledge with training colleges, Implement collaboration agreements between
training colleges and selected outreach services, Perform systematic data
collection and accurate documentation of programme activities listed
MSc/BSc or other relevant qualification in agriculture
Experience in agricultural technical education and training, Professional
experience with multi-stakeholders teams with strategies to stimulate private
sector participation
Excellent writing skills and strong analytical skills, Sound IT competences,
Willingness to upskill as required by the tasks to be performed – corresponding
measures are agreed with management
Interested candidates should submit their applications electronically and these
should include: a motivation letter, current resume of the applicant and
certified scanned copies of relevant certificates to The Head of Finance and Administration,
GIZ, P O Box 31131, Lilongwe 3
Email Closing
date for applications is 28th April