Position: Organic Vegetable and Flower Farming
Organization: Hendrick Farm / Ferme Hendrick
Website: http://hendrickfarm.ca
Location: Old Chelsea, Quebec, just north of Ottawa-Gatineau
Farm Background
Hendrick Farm is at the heart of historic Old Chelsea village. This
working farm continues to act as an im
portant reminder of the
agricultural and rural heritage of the village. The certified organic
vegetable farm is the centrepiece of a community plan that was
developed with food in mind. We grow vegetables chosen for their
flavour and quality, integrate walk-ability, perennial bed design, and
integrated flora to promote a healthy and diverse farming environment.
The Program
The work-share program was initiated in response to interest from the
community, farm visitors and neighbours who are motivated to actively
participate in day to day farming operation by devoting a portion of
their available schedule. The work-share program is a part-time,
season-long farming commitment. It is an exchange of mutual benefit;
the farm advances from hard work provided by those looking to learn
about organic farming, community planning, and who are attracted by
this integrated approach. You benefit from a full season of hands-on
learning in a market farm as well as the social and enterprising
activities surrounding the community development project. In addition,
the farm provides a weekly basket share of fresh, organically grown
vegetables. If you want to be part of a vibrant community project from
the ground up, are passionate about local food, here’s your chance!
Organic farming field work-share (3 positions)
Farming field vegetables with a focus on biodiversity, healthy soil,
specialty harvests, and a balanced ecosystem, is a model that requires
attention through a variety of tasks. Hendrick Farm would like to hear
from you if you are looking for an opportunity to participate in all
aspects of growing, from seed to harvest. The work-share position
involves the use of field tools, carrying small loads, and
accomplishing daily responsibilities in all weather. If you like the
idea of being part of the farm team, are a positive person and can
commit part of your schedule, please let us know. This opportunity is
best suited to Fridays.
Market Flower Field Assistant (2 positions)
Hendrick Farm actively invests in land use design and the visual
atmosphere of the farm. We use flowers to attract pollinators and key
insects for pest management as part of the organic farm plan. We
maintain colourful flower beds, a lily garden, and 15 varieties of
selected flowers grown for market which we certify organic and adhere
to ecological growing principles. We are currently looking someone who
has a deep interest in flowers. Due to market scheduling, this
opportunity is suited to Thursday morning with a possibility of some
The Schedule
A work share at Hendrick Farm is ideal for those who have other
commitments, yet want to be involved in a unique project. We require a
season-long commitment of one day per week (8 hours) beginning May 15
and ending September 25. We recognise that aside from all the tools
and infrastructure the farm provides, farming also requires a personal
investment of daily provisions, transport and apparel needed to work
in all weather environments. For this reason the farm agrees to
provide the work share member with a $150.00 honorarium for their full
season dedication.
Work share members are not volunteers. Hendrick Farm is focused on
training work-share members. Volunteers come to the farm sporadically
and often stay a few hours, depending on their schedule. In contrast,
work share members are an integral part of the farm team and commit to
coming the same days each week throughout the length of the season.
You do not need to have farming experience. What you do need is to be
reliable, eager to learn and be willing to work hard at a fast pace
under all weather conditions and to enjoy receiving delicious
For more information about Hendrick Farm, please visit
hendrickfarm.ca. If you are interested in joining our farm team,
please send us a message outlining your interest, your work history
(CV) and indicate which work-share opportunity you would like to be
considered for, here:
If you are not able to make a season-long commitment and would like
information regarding volunteer days, we’d still really like to hear
from you.