Leibniz-Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries ,PhD in Economics of Fish Reintroduction Jobs in Canada

Position: PhD in Economics of Fish
Organization: Leibniz-Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries
Website: http://www.igb-berlin.de/stellenangebote-details/items/515.htm
Location: Berlin, Germany

A three–year Early Stage Research

er (ESR), preferably a doctoral
student, in the field of “Economic and Social Value of Conservation of
Endangered Migratory Fishes” is sought within a newly funded EU Marie
Skodowska-Curie Initial Training Network (ITN) entitled IMPRESS.
IMPRESS (Improved production strategies for endangered freshwater
species, http://www.impress-itn.eu) is coordinated by the Norwegian
University of Life Sciences (NBUM) in Oslo, Norway, and involves 15
ESRs hosted by 9 different organizations in Europe. The candidate
sought here will join the Inland Fisheries Research group of Prof. Dr.
Robert Arlinghaus in the Department of Biology and Ecology of Fishes
at the Leibniz-Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries
(IGB) in Berlin, Germany and shall be recruited by June, 1, 2015.

Job Title: Economic, cultural and social-psychological evaluation of
restoration and reintroduction of native endangered diadromous fishes
(salmon, eel, sturgeon) in selected case studies in Germany, France
and Norway. This is position 8 within IMPRESS

Job Description: The candidate shall study the economic value and
social-psychological justification as well as the cross-cultural
embedding of ongoing reintroduction programs in selected case studies
on Atlantic salmon, European eel and European sturgeons in three
countries (Germany, France, Norway), preferably using quantitative
human dimension survey methods applied to the wider public and to
specific users of river basins. The candidate shall economically and
socially value the range of ecological services generated by the
mentioned species, preferably using choice experiments and other
economic methods designed to quantify the non-market values associated
with salmon, eel and sturgeon. The ultimate aim is to showcase whether
ongoing restoration efforts are economically efficient from a
cost-benefit perspective and socially acceptable. Moreover, the work
should unravel the social-psychological determinants of economic
values (willingness to pay) expressed by members of so
 ciety using cutting-edge social science theories applied to fish
conservation (e.g., value-belief-norm theory). Work in position 8 will
be closely integrated with position 3 of IMPRESS.

Responsibilities: The main responsibilities of the candidate will be:
• To manage and carry out an independent research project in close
collaboration with social science partners in IMPRESS
• To write a research proposal, articles for scientific journals and a
paper-based doctoral thesis based on a minimum of three articles in
peer-reviewed journals
• To actively participate in research and training activities within
the IMPRESS network
• To actively participate in the scientific life of the Department
Biology and Ecology of Fishes, and the working groups of Robert
Arlinghaus both at IGB (http://www.besatz-fisch.de) and at the
Integrative Research Institute for the Transformation of
Human-Environment Systems (IRI THESys) at Humboldt-University of
• To disseminate research results in the scientific community (via
international conferences) and in the non-scientific community (via
outreach and public engagement)

Job Location and Supervision: The ESR in position 8 will be employed
by IGB in the Department of Biology and Ecology of Fishes in the
research group of Robert Arlinghaus (http://www.besatz-fisch.de). The
main place of work will be in Berlin-Friedrichshagen. The candidate
will work up to eight months abroad at NMBU in Oslo and at CNSS
(Conservatoire National du Saumon Sauvage) in Chanteuges, France to
coordinate case studies and interface with the ESR researcher of
position 3 in IMPRESS. The project aims at increasing mobility to
enhance multidisciplinary training of the student, and give him/her
important experience of both academic and non-academic sectors. In
addition, the candidate will take part in several training schools in
different locations to facilitate exchange with biologists working in
IMPRESS and experience further multidisciplinary training. Supervision
of the work will be conducted in tandem by the fisheries scientist
Prof. Dr. Robert Arlinghaus (IGB and Humbo
 ldt-University of Berlin) and the sturgeon conservation biologist Dr.
Jörn Gessner (IGB) in collaboration with Prof. Dr. Øystein Aas
(speciality in human dimension of fisheries and salmon management)
from the Norwegian University of Life Sciences and other social
science and economics colleagues around the world.

Salary, benefits and expected degree: The successful candidate will be
employed for three years and receives a generous financial package in
accordance with the regulations for the Early Stage Researchers (ESRs)
in EU Marie Skodowska-Curie Actions Innovative Training Networks (ITN)
For the candidate it is obligatory to participate in a set of training
activities organized within the IMPRESS consortium as well as the
doctoral student program of the IGB. The doctoral degree shall
preferably be acquired at the Humboldt-University of Berlin supervised
by Prof. Dr. Robert Arlinghaus in the Division of Integrative
Fisheries Management.

About IMPRESS: IMPRESS aims at developing new technologies and
approaches for improved production, management and conservation of
three threatened diadromous fish species, the European eel, Atlantic
salmon and the Atlantic and Baltic sturgeons. IMPRESS is set up as
intersectoral training network covering a range of multidisciplinary
aspects including molecular biology, physiology, and aquaculture
production, as well as human dimensions of conservation management
(see http://www.impress-itn.eu for details). Two positions
3 and 8) are devoted to social scientific and economic approaches to
fish conservation and restoration. IMPRESS offers a highly
interdisciplinary and international training for 15 doctoral and PhD
students throughout the EU, with a highly competitive salary and close
contacts with the industry, government agencies and leading
laboratories. In addition to conducting research, students will be
enrolled on an extensive programme of short training cours
 es, and secondments at other partner institutions.

About ITNs: EU Marie Skodowska-Curie Innovative Training Networks
(ITNs) aim at improving career perspectives of early stage researchers
in both public and private sectors, thereby making research careers
more attractive for young people. They aim to promote transnational
work and networking within a partnership of public and private
enterprises in the research field. In particular, ITNs aim improving
the employability of the recruited researchers by facilitating
experience in both academia and enterprises. Thereby, the traditional
academic research training is extended and cultural and other mobility
barriers are reduced.

About the the host Institute: The Leibniz-Institute of Freshwater
Ecology and Inland Fisheries (IGB, http://www.igb-berlin.de) is the
principal German research centre for aquatic ecology and inland
fisheries. IGB is funded by the Federal Government of Germany and the
State of Berlin as part of the Leibniz-Association
(http://www.wgl.de). It is administratively organized in the
Forschungsverbund Berlin (FVB) e.V. (http://www.fv-berlin.de). The FVB
manages eight research institutes in Berlin that are closely linked to
all three major universities in the German capital. IGB offers
excellent laboratory and field facilities for interdisciplinary
ecological research, large-scale experimental facilities, as well as
long-term research programs and data sets. Work by IGB combines basic
and applied research as a basis for sustainable management of aquatic
ecosystems and inland fisheries, including aquaculture, conservation
of threatened freshwater fishes and recreational fisheries.

The interdisciplinary fisheries research group of Prof. Dr. Robert
Arlinghaus has a strong track record in integrating applied social,
economic and biological research on inland fisheries and in conducting
social and economic evaluation of recreational fisheries. The group of
the co-supervisor Dr. Jörn Gessner is carrying out the ongoing
sturgeon reintroduction efforts in the Elbe and Oder basins. IGB has
an intensive graduate training programme. About 50 doctoral students
from approximately 15 different nations are employed at IGB. The
Department IV of Biology and Ecology of Fishes at IGB is responsible
for a Masters Program in Fish Biology, Fisheries and Aquaculture at
the Faculty of Life Sciences of the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
(HU). Doctoral students in the field of fish and fisheries are
preferably graduated at HU.

Formal eligibility criteria:
• Candidates may be of any nationality.
• The training network is tailored to hire and train doctoral
students, but the recruitment of other ESRs meeting the eligibility
criteria is possible as long as no doctoral degree has been awarded at
the time of recruitment.
• By the time of recruitment by the host organization, candidates must
be in the first four years (full-time equivalent) of their research
career. Full-time research experience is measured from the date when a
researcher obtained the degree which formally entitled him or her to
embark on a doctorate, either in the country in which the degree was
obtained or in the country in which the researcher is recruited or
seconded, irrespective of whether or not a doctorate is or was ever
• Because the Marie Curie schemes are designed to encourage
researcher’s mobility, a mobility criterion applies for recruitment:
by the time of recruitment, researchers must not have resided or
carried out their main activity (work, studies, etc.) in Germany for
more than twelve months in the last three years. Short stays, such as
holidays, are not included.
• Candidates must be available to start the position at 1st June 2015.

Desired Qualifications
• M.Sc. or equivalent in human dimensions of fish and wildlife,
fisheries, agricultural economics, resource or environmental
economics, environmental psychology, integrated natural resource
management, empirical social sciences, human geography or a related
field, preferably with a focus on fisheries or aquatic ecosystems,
particularly interdisciplinary fish biodiversity conservation
• Knowledge of quantitative survey design and economic and
psychological theory to explain human behavior
• Very good skills in multivariate statistics
• Ability and motivation to work independently as well as
collaboratively in an interdisciplinary team together with fish
• Exceptional communicative and intercultural skills
• Willingness for significant mobility throughout Europe and
stakeholder interactions
• Car driving license
• Excellent working knowledge (reading, writing) in English
• At minimum reading knowledge of German – if the candidate lacks
German language skills, he/she must indicate in the application how to
safeguard executing surveys among stakeholders and the public in
• Familiarity with inland fisheries and fish conservation, with
publishing research results in journals and with either Norwegian or
French are benefits

Please send your fully developed application materials [a 1 page
maximum motivation letter including statement of career goals, a
separate 3 page maximum research plan about a hypothetical human
survey you would design to address the position’s objectives
(structured as study objectives/hypothesis, background, methods,
statistical analysis, expected results), CV including list of
publications, a copy of the master thesis, if available copies of up
to three papers, names and email address of three referees] in one
combined PDF with the subject header “IMPRESS_ Position
8_Name”electronically no later than April, 12, 2015 to
arlinghaus@igb-berlin.de (Prof. Dr. Robert Arlinghaus). For questions
on the position please also approach Robert Arlinghaus.

An assessment committee will be appointed to review the applications
and candidates selected based on ITN-wide guidelines, which aim at
ensuring equal opportunities. Shortlisted candidates will be invited
to an interview either in person or by Skype. The main criterion for
selection will be the existing skills, knowledge and research career
potential of the applicant, match with the project and fulfillment of
the above mentioned qualifications.

The IGB is an Equal Opportunity Employer. It aims to ensure that no
job applicant or employee will receive less favourable treatment on
the grounds of race, color, nationality, ethnic or national origins,
sex or marital status. In keeping with the IGB’s policy regarding
gender equity, female candidates are particularly encouraged to apply.
People with disabilities having identical qualifications will be

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