Hollyhock ,Program Operations Assistant Jobs in Canada

Position: Program Operations Assistant
Organization: Hollyhock http://www.hollyhock.ca
Location: Cortes Island, British Columbia

Hollyhock is a non-profit educational institute dedicated to personal,
professional and organizational development tha

t advances
consciousness, connection and community toward solutions for a better
future. An internationally renowned centre for learning and
well-being, Hollyhock presents over 100 social learning programs and
conferences on our Cortes Island campus, plus accessible, high impact
programs in Vancouver. Our campus is the perfect setting for dreamy
island holidays.

The Program Assistant (PA) supports the Program Department in
delivering program, service and operational excellence. This talented
individual will provide support to develop positive and collaborative
relationships with our 100+ presenters to deliver Hollyhock’s current
programming season on Cortes Island. The PA is a seasonal role, April
through November, typically scheduled for 32 to 40 hours per week,
including some evening and weekend hours. The PA has substantial
experience in an office environment, demonstrated initiative and
excellent communication skills. A background in marketing and event
coordination is a strong asset. The successful candidate must be
legally able to work in Canada and enjoy living in a rural setting.

Please apply for this position through our website
http://www.hollyhock.ca. You will have the opportunity to
upload your
covering letter and resume. Only those invited for an interview will
be contacted.

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