Organization: CPAWS Wildlands League
Location: Toronto, Ontario
Project Overview: This new project is intended to help safeguard
traditional foods and the remaining pristine rivers in Ontario’s Far
North. Through an inclusive and collaborative approach, Wildlands
League will work with First Nations, scientists, governments, industry
and concerned citizens on n
ew emerging indigenous models of protecting
northern rivers and on highlighting the risks of unintended
consequences of mining on fish (an important traditional food) and
human consumers of fish.
Wildlands League is looking for a passionate and conservation-minded
person to work as a Conservation Analyst within a dynamic team setting
to support this project. This position is located in Toronto, Ontario
and may involve travel. It is for 3 days a week and may increase as
new funding sources are confirmed.
Timeframe: April 2015 – October 30, 2016 (start date negotiable)
Position Title: Conservation Analyst
Criteria for the Position Include:
• Excellent spoken and written skills;
• Excellent outreach and organizing skills;
• Ability to work in a small yet dynamic team setting;
• Ability to work independently and is self-motivated;
• Some experience in scientific literature review;
• General awareness of Aboriginal and Treaty Rights;
• General awareness of how Ontario’s laws and policies could affect
watersheds, watershed planning and protection (e.g., source water
protection efforts, the mining cycle, hydro development, environmental
assessments, land use planning etc.);
• Ability to navigate policy discussions and real world applications easily;
• Adept at (or willing to learn) communicating in a cross cultural context;
The person’s roles and responsibilities include:
• keeping track of and responding to requests for information, advice
and assistance from communities. This could include responding to
requests for support, resources, technical information, translation,
• setting up workshops in Thunder Bay and Toronto;
• organizing meetings with First Nations and other audiences as
requested and required;
• tracking Environmental Assessment processes for various mine and
hydro development projects and public consultation stages;
• providing feedback on various Environmental assessments during
public consultation
• submitting Freedom of Information requests to government;
• managing a project to produce maps that show cumulative disturbances
in northern rivers;
• conducting outreach on potential impacts from industrial development
on traditional foods such as fish to various audiences;
• liaising with scientists and reviewing scientific literature when needed;
• supporting colleagues to explain linkages between mining in the
Hudson Bay Lowland and fish health; to amplify and share broadly new
models of indigenous protection and communicate findings to
communities, industry and the public.
Coordination: The Conservation Analyst will work with other Wildlands
League staff and colleagues. The Analyst will report to Anna Baggio,
Director, Conservation Planning of Wildlands League.
Compensation: This position is for three days a week and compensation
is approximately $25K per annum.
Please send letter of interest and resume to:
Posting closes April 17, 2015.