Ontario Public Service ,Soil Fertility Specialist Jobs in Canada

Organization: Ontario Public Service
Job Type: Full-time
Location: Stratford, Ontario ON
Deadline: Mar 25, 2015
Organization Description:

Job Description:
Soil fertility management is a
critical component of sustainable agriculture.
Help us transform new research and
ideas into practical programs, products and services, which will ensure
Ontario’s agricultural sector remains competitive and environmentally
responsible both now and into the future.
What can I expect to do in this
In this role, you will:
  • act as the lead provincial specialist on soil fertility
    with an emphasis in field crop soil fertility
  • lead Ontario’s technology transfer activities through
    the development, coordination and implementation of strategies, policies
    and programs related to soil fertility
  • coordinate projects designed to assess the
    applicability and sustainability of new and existing practices, products,
    technologies and programs to Ontario’s field crop production sector
  • prepare and deliver educational information and
    awareness building tools to facilitate change
  • act as a liaison between the research community and
  • manage contentious and high-priority issues related to
    soil fertility
  • provide expertise in soil fertility to support policy
    and program development
Location: 63 Lorne Avenue East,
Stratford, Ontario
How do I qualify?
Mandatory Requirement:
  • you must hold a valid Class G driver’s licence or
    equivalent as recognized by the Province of Ontario in order to conduct
    site visits at rural and remote locations
Technical Knowledge:
  • you have expert knowledge of scientific theories,
    principles and practices of soil fertility as it relates to the
    production, business management and marketing of Ontario field crops
  • you have expert knowledge of the Ontario agricultural
    industry (e.g. economics, social importance, roles and mandates of farm
    and commodity organizations)
  • you have knowledge of relevant acts and regulations
    that impact on soil fertility
Research, Analysis, Evaluation and
Problem-Solving Skills:
  • you have knowledge of research methods and practices to
    investigate viability and applicability of new methods, techniques and
    technologies, analyze validity of findings and make recommendations on
    their suitability for Ontario conditions
  • you have the ability to identify and investigate
    issues, trends and developments of crop production practices, economics
    and environmental sustainability related to soil fertility
Consultation and Facilitation
  • you can conduct needs assessments and incorporate
    results in the development of training and educational materials
  • you have an understanding of adult education principles
    and techniques to deliver training
  • you have an understanding of program evaluation methods
  • you can encourage and motivate agricultural and rural
    organizations to develop and support policies and programs that encourage
    the adoption and maintenance of sustainable practices in their
    agricultural and rural communities
Communication and Interpersonal
  • you can develop professional documents, reports and
    educational materials using clear, concise language
  • you can present information, options and recommendations
    in a clear, concise and logical manner
  • you have the proven ability to develop and present
    information in many formats and can determine the most effective way to
    transfer technical information
Other Important Skills:
  • you have planning and coordination skills to manage
    project activities and resource requirements
  • you have financial administration skills to administer
    contracts for service providers and forecast and monitor project budgets
  • you are proficient with a variety of computer
    applications such as e-mail, Internet, word processing, spreadsheet,
    statistical analysis and database software
Salary range: $1,356.49 –
$1,731.39 per week 
Please apply online, only, at www.ontario.ca/careers,
quoting Job ID 74645 by March 25, 2015. Faxes are not being
accepted at this time. If you require a disability related accommodation
in order to participate in the recruitment process, please contact us at www.gojobs.gov.on.ca/ContactUs.aspx to
provide your contact information. Recruitment Services staff will contact you
within 48 hours. Only those applicants selected for an interview will be
The Ontario Public Service is an
equal opportunity employer. Accommodation will be provided in accordance with
the Ontario Human Rights Code.

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