Type: internships with housing, food, education, stipend (see below)
Organization: Creek Shore Farms http://www.creekshorefarms.ca
Location: St. Catharines, Niagara Region, Ontario
Creek Shore Farms is an organically run vegetable farm located in St.
Catharines, owned and operated by Ryan & Amanda Thiessen for the last
five years. Our farm is in the heart of the Niagara Region fruitbelt
and operates on 5 acres
of land. We sell primarily through our summer
and winter CSA programs, as well as at farmers’ and on-farm markets.
We grow a wide range of vegetables, operate a small apple orchard and
also raise pigs and chickens. Our farm is an easy bike ride to most of
the city and only a quick walk or ride to the shores of Lake Ontario
and several parks.
We are looking for two interns for the 2015 season which will run from
April/May until November (dates are flexible). There may also be an
opportunity to extend the internship through the late fall and winter
months to follow us through the winter growing season. Interns will
have opportunities to learn skills in:
• General business planning
• Crop planning
• Field preparation
• Planting
• Weed and pest management
• Harvesting
• Marketing
• Animal husbandry with pigs and chickens
• Proper use and care of tools
• Safe use of farm equipment
For those who are interested we also offer specialized training for
those interested in:
• Equipment maintenance, including welding and custom fabrication of
farm equipment
• Construction, including building sheds, fencing and other shelters
• Farm accounting
As an intern at Creek Shore Farms you will:
• Spend lots of time outdoors
• Work with us to develop an education plan that suits your interests and goals
• Attend CRAFT Day Field trips at other farms
• Spend one day each month with a farm equipment mechanic learning
maintenance basics
• Have access to our growing library of books
• Interact with customers and other farmers in the area
• Learn a lot about farming, while having a great time
Interns will work five days a week, up to 10 hours a day, with a sixth
day being set aside to work on a focus project of their choosing that
relates to the farm. We are seeking those who are passionate about
agriculture, motivated and capable of a hard, but rewarding days work.
In exchange for your labour you will receive accommodations in a two
bedroom apartment in the loft of our barn, a $300 a month stipend,
basic groceries as well as all the fresh farm produce you can eat.
There will also be one communal meal each week, but otherwise interns
will be in charge of cooking their own meals.
For more information visit http://www.creekshorefarms.ca or email us at:
Applicants who demonstrate an interest in joining our team will be
contacted for an on-farm interview.