Riverglen Biodynamic Farm ,Farm Intern Jobs in Canada

Position: Farm Intern
Type: full-time internship with private room, food, stipend, more (see below)
Organization: Riverglen Biodynamic Farm http://www.riverglenfarm.ca
Location: Kanata/Ottawa Greenbelt, Ontario

Positions available: Fulltime Fulls

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Duration: Mid April – Mid November 2015 (can be extended if desired)

Riverglen Farm is an organic/biodynamic farm located in Ottawa’s
Greenbelt, just 20 minutes drive or 1 hour bike from downtown. This
112 acre heritage site is located in the west end of the city,
surrounded by Greenbelt forest and wetlands, on the banks of the
Ottawa river. We pack about 100 vegetable shares a week for our CSA,
and also sell vegetables directly from our farm store. Chicken, beef
and eggs are sold from the farm store when available. We keep geese to
help with grass cutting and tend to a young, small orchard, which is
not yet in production.

Position description:

We are seeking 1 solid person with clear minds to help with farm tasks
this summer. Vegetable production, harvest and processing will make up
the core of the workload. We use a walk-behind Grillo tractor and hand
tools in the garden, so the work is quite physical. There are also
daily animal chores to share, as well as general upkeep and
maintenance tasks to carry out. Examples include fencing, mucking out
animal enclosures, mowing, cleaning up storage and work areas,
gathering firewood, applying biodynamic preparations, etc.

The typical workweek is Monday to Friday, in addition to Saturday farm
store duties on a rotational schedule. We typically start work at 8am
or 7am, depending on the time of year. Everyone is expected to take a
turn preparing lunch for the rest of team, which is our biggest meal
of the day. To avoid working in the heat, we often break from noon to
2pm. Depending on the season, weather and workload, we typically
finish field work around 6 or 7pm. Some tasks may exceed normal work
hours such as animal chores and garden irrigation duties.


In exchange for a commitment to a full season, a dedicated work
attitude and an eagerness to learn, a weekly stipend of $100/week is
offered on top of room, farm produce and basic groceries. You are
responsible for your own snacks, treats and specialty food items. It
is very important to the farm’s operation that interns complete their
season, so please take this commitment seriously. In return, we will
take the time to train you on various tasks and tools as they evolve
through the seasons, provide access to a library of books, take you on
monthly visits to neighbouring farms and spend time explaining how we
plan and manage our operation. To show our appreciation and to help
you on the next step of your journey you will be awarded a $400 bonus
when you complete your season at the prearranged time.


Ideally, full season interns live at the farm. You will have your own
private bedroom, as well as access to wireless internet and our
laundry machine. We will be sharing the house kitchen, but you are
encouraged to use the summer kitchen outside during the warm parts of
the year. This implies a willingness to participate in house cleaning

How to apply:

Write a few paragraphs about the reasons why you want to join the farm
crew and what you feel you have bring to it. Send it along with any
questions to:

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