Quinte Waste Solutions ,Waste Diversion Project Technician Jobs in Canada

Position: Waste
Diversion Project Technician
Organization: Quinte Waste Solutions http://www.quinterecycling.org
Location: Trenton, Ontario (Quinte West, near Belleville & Prince Edward

Quinte Waste Solutions
Waste Diversion Project Technician

Extent of Position: This is a contract position (March – December
2015) with responsibilities in the Household Hazardous and Electronic
Waste (HEW) and Recycling Programs, with possible outsourcing to other
programs and projects.

• Post-Secondary Degree/Diploma in a relevant field, relevant work experience.
• Proficient with Microsoft Office programs
• Proficient internet skills
• Proficient mathematical skills
• Excellent verbal and written communication skills
• Demonstrated experience in project research, implementation and
report preparation
• Flexible work schedule (weekend, holiday and irregular work hours
may be required)
• Willingness to work in a variety of settings (office, out of doors,
public event, meetings, etc.)
• G Class Driver’s License with a clean abstract
• Demonstrated ability to interact with the public, government and
business sectors in a friendly, professional and informative manner


A) Hazardous and Electronic Waste (HEW) Program (under the direction
of the Program Coordinator and/or Operations Supervisor):

i) Apartment E-waste collection
• Continuing from the 2014 “pilot” project; establish, expand,
monitor, service and report on the collection of small electronics and
battery collection programs at multi-residential buildings in the QWS
service area

ii) Mobile Event Motor Oil Collection
• Assist with the establishment and delivery of used motor oil
collection at the HEW Mobile Events

iii) Campgrounds and Marinas
• Research and implement means to capture HEW at campgrounds and marinas
• Emphasis on batteries and propane tanks

iv) E-waste Capture Rate Improvement
• Increase capture of e-waste at QWS mobile HEW events and at the HEW
permanent depot
• Targeting the IC&I sector (retail, second hand shops, schools,
nursing homes, offices, etc) prior to mobile events through door to
door visits, flyers, posters

v) Hazardous & Electronic Waste Handler
• Provide hands on assistance at HEW collection events as required
• Provide assistance with other projects (depot maintenance, repair, etc.)

B) Recycling Program (Under the direction of the General Manager
and/or the Communications Coordinator):

vi) ‘Re-think Waste’ Tool
• Maintain and expand the web based “Re-think Waste” Tool (web, binder,

vii) Capture Rate and Quality Improvement
• Research, document and when possible, implement means to increase
the capture and/or improve the quality of recyclable material from a
variety of residential, industrial, commercial, institutional and
public sources
• Examples include recovering more High Density Polyethylene (HDPE)
windshield washer bottles at gas stations or boat wrap from marinas.
• Work with the Communications Coordinator to: reduce scavenging,
improve aluminum capture, assist deposit return to find a proper home
and on 25th anniversary projects

viii) CIF Multi-Res Recycling Project
• Starting in April, a baseline waste audit of four apartment buildings
• Assisting superintendents with the set up of a recycling program and
communicating with residents
• Creation of a Multi-Res Superintendent Handbook
• Hosting open houses to promote recycling and limiting contamination
• Includes work to distribute literature, unit capture bags and marked carts

ix) Event and Public Space Recycling Improvements
• Set up and staff a booth at public events to promote recycling to attendees
• Help Events Coordinator come up with a plan to improve material
capture and decrease contamination

x) Bale Wrap Loyalist Enactus Project
• Work with the Enactus program to find a viable solution for
recycling bale wrap/boat wrap, etc

xi) Other Related Projects
• Depot Attendant Handbook
• Assist with Municipal Datacall
• Continue and expand innovative projects (eg. Repair Café, tool library)
• Promote waste diversion programs in retail locations (Point of Sale)
• Promote on-site shredding
• Research and work on cost reduction and revenue increasing ideas

C) Other
• Assist with programs and projects as required

To Apply

Resume with cover letter and references to:

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