Job description
Become a Mercy For
Animals Investigator
Mercy For Animals is dedicated to
preventing cruelty to farmed animals and promoting compassionate food choices
and policies.
Undercover investigations
vital to exposing and preventing farmed animal abuse. Nearly every piece of
animal-friendly legislation, change in corporate animal welfare policy, or the
most powerful change of all—the decision by countless people to adopt
compassionate vegetarian diets—stems from the work of an undercover
The job of an undercover
investigator is certainly not for everyone. MFA investigators must make quick,
but tough, decisions as to the best courses of action for the animals confined,
neglected, tormented, or killed before them, while abiding by all laws,
ensuring their personal safety, keeping their cover, and compiling the evidence
necessary to hold animal abusers accountable.
MFA’s investigators serve as the
eyes and ears of the public. They must be prepared to witness unimaginable
abuses while maintaining their composure and cover to ensure that MFA can
expose the hidden realities of factory farming.
Documenting cruelty and violence
at factory farms and slaughter plants is not glamorous—it’s heartbreaking,
disgusting, and horrific. Despite the hardships and horrors, undercover
investigations are the most vital tool the animal protection movement has at
its disposal and undercover investigators are without a doubt the greatest
unsung heroes of our times.
Here’s what we’re looking
- English-speaking and French-speaking positions available
– bilingual encouraged to apply
- Ability to travel across Canada for extended periods
- Capable of performing heavy manual labor jobs for up to
twelve hours a day – those with manual labor experience encouraged to
- Honesty, integrity, and ability to maintain strict
confidentiality at all times
- Investigations experience is beneficial, but not
How to apply
If you think you have what it
takes to become an undercover investigator:
Please email the following with Vancouver Idealist in the subject line to Jane
Stone at
- Your resume
- A cover letter that details your interest in this specific position