Legal Manager / Company Secretary Jobs in Malawi

Legal Manager / Company Secretary

Reports to Operations
Manager/Chief Finance Officer

Legal and litigation management –
Review ongoing cases and advise management accordingly, Review and provide
legal advice on tender documents, Liaise with relevant departments to ensure
that where legal risks have been identified, appropriate courses of action

been taken, Review and advice management on legal implications of internal
policies and procedures, Review progress of outstanding litigation and liaise
with and manage external lawyers, Prepare, review and modify contractual
instruments to assist and support various business activities, Provide legal
protection and risk management advice to management, Write demand letters and commences
legal action against outstanding debtors where necessary and recommend to
management on whether to appoint an external lawyer to act on behalf of the
company on both debtors and litigation cases

Company secretarial – Organise the Annual General Meeting
(AGM) and timely send all appropriate documents to shareholders, Filing of
statutory returns to comply with periodic returns, Ensure the Company complies
with its Memorandum and Articles of Association, drafting and incorporating
amendments, Ensure safe custody and proper use of the Common Seal, To
communicate with shareholders and ensure due regard is paid to their interests,
To provide guidance on matters of ethics and good governance, Assist in the
implementation of corporate governance strategies by ensuring Board’s decisions
and policies are properly carried out, Facilitate the acquisition of
information by all board and committee members, Ensure both the board and board
committees are provided with clear terms of reference, To provide practical support
and guidance to non executive directors, Ensure both the board and board
committees are provided with clear terms of reference, To provide practical
support and guidance to non executive directors, Ensure all board and committee
meetings are properly constituted and minuted and minute books are properly
maintained, Timely distribution of board papers, organize board and  board
committee meetings by formulating meeting agendas in liaison with the Chairman
and/or the Chief Executive Officer, Ensure that the appointment of Directors is
properly carried out and assist in the proper induction of directors

LLB Degree from a recognized
University, At least 5 yrs experience preferably in a commercial environment
with a clear knowledge of the legal aspects of the Financial Services industry,
Strong leadership and managerial skills, Good planning and organizational
skills, Demonstrate success and ability in managing litigation matters,
Knowledge of and experience with the Company’s Act, Financial Services Act, Labour
Laws and general operation of the judicial system in Malawi

Those interested should send
their applications together with compete CV with at least 3 traceable refs to
The Human Resources and Administration Manager, REAL Insurance Company of
Malawi Limited, P O Box 442, Blantyre or email by
31st January

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