Fiddle Foot Farm ,Farm Apprentices Jobs Vacancies in Canada

Positions: 3 Farm
Apprentices – 2 Full-time Farming, 1 Half-time
Farming / Half-time Child Care
Type: Full-time with weekly stipend, room & partial board (see below)
Organization: Fiddle Foot Farm
Location: 1 hour North of Toronto, Mansfield, Ont. on the Niagara Escarpment

Start date: April 1st until November

15th, 2015


Fiddle Foot Farm is a diverse Biodynamic farm that grows 5.5 acres of
vegetables, for a CSA and market garden. We also raise livestock
including cows, pastured chickens and pastured pigs. This will be our
8th season running a farm business, and now have 7 years experience
working with apprenticeship-based learning on our farm.

We practice a holistic approach to farm management through the
incorporation of Biodynamic practices. We consider the land that we
work to be a dynamic and living Farm Organism that can be increasingly
sensitized to nature’s rhythms through the application of consciously
prepared herbal preparations, carefully timed plantings and the power
of positive intentions and human thought. Apprenticing at Fiddle Foot
Farm is appropriate for curious minds seeking to develop a practical
and more personal connection to the natural world through daily
interactions with soil, plants, animals and people.

**We are looking for 3 Apprentices for the 2015 growing season**

NEW THIS YEAR… We are looking for one apprentice who will divide their
time between farm work and the care of our 1-year-old son. You would
spend 2-3 days per week outside doing farm work and 2-3 days per week
doing child care. No farming experience is necessary, but we would
like to see that you have experience working with young children. If
you are interested in this position, please indicate on your

All applicants must be willing and able to work long, satisfying hours
in the outdoors, 5-6 days a week and be committed to working in a team
environment. All applicants should have good communication skills, be
independent workers, be physically fit and most of all have a strong
desire to learn by doing.

Timing: April 1st – November 15th (start and end dates are negotiable)

• On-farm accommodations in a 3 bedroom, 800 ft2 house
• Stipend of $125/week
• Food: vegetables, eggs and some farm-raised meat will be provided.

We make every effort to ensure that the season is one filled with
opportunities for learning and education in all aspects of sustainable
agriculture. This includes seeding, transplanting, cultivation /
weeding, irrigation, tractor work, harvesting, post-harvest handling,
marketing, caring for animals, canning / preserving, etc. We will
participate in monthly visits to other farms as we are members of the
CRAFT (Collaborative Regional Alliance for Farmer Training) network.
You will have access to our extensive agricultural library.

You will be involved in the daily care for our chickens, pigs, flock
of laying hens and small herd of Milking Shorthorn cows. You will have
the opportunity to learn about season extension practices that we use
in our moveable hoop-houses. There will be small construction and
infrastructure projects to be involved with as well. The 66-acre farm
property includes access to the Bruce Trail and the nearby Boyne

If you are interested in working with us this season, please send us a
cover letter highlighting why you are interested in this learning
experience as well as a resume to:

More information about Fiddle Foot Farm can be found on our website:

If you have any questions regarding the apprenticeship, please be in
touch via phone or email.

Graham Corbett & Amy Ouchterlony
Tel. 519-925-3225

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