Field Assistant
Type: volunteer with accommodation and meals (see below)
Organization: Osa Conservation
Location: “Piro” Biological Station. Osa Peninsula, Costa Rica,
Central America
Osa Conservation is a non profit organization dedicated to do
ecological research, envir
onmental education and forest restoration in
the Very Humid Rain Forest of the Osa Peninsula in Costa Rica.
Description of the job:
This position is aimed to assist the “Wildlife Monitoring Programs”
all the aspects of the Monitoring processes of different species of
wild life. Duties are listed as follows:
• Collection of data in the field for the “Monitoring program of
felines and their prey”, consisting in checking camera traps, process
the photographs, track surveys and update the data bases.
• Surveys on the four species of monkeys that ocurr in the Peninsula
and update the data base.
• Survey the population of River Otter in our study site, register
information and update the data base.
• Give informative talks about our researches to locals and tourists
located in the area as part as an environmental education plan for
these species.
• Be over 18 years old.
• Be fluent in both Spanish and English.
• Have a biological/scientific background such as Forestry, Biology,
Environmental Sciences or related (desirable).
• Be familiar with the use of Word, Excel, Power Point.
• Good physical condition.
• Available to assist at least 4 months with the possibility to extend it.
• Be tolerant to “rain forest conditions” (heat, humidity,
wild life).
• Have an adventurer spirit.
Payment: Unfortunately we can not offer a salary, however we cover
accommodation and food (3 meals per day) during the whole stay in our
Work place conditions:
• We are located in the middle of the rain forest however we count on
electric power from solar panels system and internet.
• Colective bus runs twice a day from the station to the closest city
(25km) where ATM, grocery stores, laundries and pharmacies are
• Accommodation takes place in shared rooms in our station with all
the facilities like shower, toilets, etc.
For more information contact: