Nature Saskatchewan .Habitat Stewardship Summer Assistant Jobs in Canada

Position: Habitat
Stewardship Summer Assistant
Type: paid internship / summer job
Organization: Nature Saskatchewan
Location: Regina, Saskatchewan

Positions: Three full-time summer positions for ~16 weeks @ $16/hour.
Summer assistants will assist in the delivery of o

ur Operation
Burrowing Owl, Shrubs for Shrikes, Plovers on Shore Rare Plant Rescue,
and Stewards of Saskatchewan banner program. These programs promote
conservation of prairie species at risk.

Tasks and responsibilities: Assist program coordinators with program
delivery; prepare communications and educational materials for
distribution; assist in searches, monitoring and other conservation
activities; contact and meet with rural landowners regarding target
species; educate the general public about species at risk on the
prairies; and help deliver workshops and presentations to agricultural
producers and the public.

Specific qualifications: Basic wildlife and plant identification
skills; and familiarity with Garmin GPS is an asset.

To Apply:

Please email a cover letter and resume in one PDF file to Kaytlyn
Burrows by 11:59 pm February 16, 2015 at:
Include in the subject line “Summer Assistant Application” and your name.

For all positions, preference will be given to Canadian students whose
studies include the fields of biology, ecology, botany, plant science,
geography, agriculture, or other related studies. All else being
equal, Aboriginal students, Adult Basic Education students, and
students with disabilities who choose to self-declare as belonging to
a group, will also be given preference.

Nature Saskatchewan is a non-government charitable organization that
engages and inspires people to appreciate, learn about, and protect
Saskatchewan’s natural environment.

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