PACT Grow-to-Learn ,Schoolyard Garden Intern Jobs in Canada

Schoolyard Garden Intern
Type: volunteer position
Organization: PACT Grow-to-Learn
Location: Toronto, Ontario

Overview of PACT Grow To Lea

rn Program

The PACT “Grow to Learn” (GTL) program is a community based urban
agriculture initiative that has partnered with the TDSB to establish 7
schoolyard gardens in the Greater Toronto Area. The gardens act as
outdoor classrooms for students and community members to learn
valuable hands-on skills and knowledge about gardening, food,
nutrition, and the environment. Participants in the garden assist in
growing fresh produce, which is donated to local schools and food
banks in the community. In 2011, PACT Grow to Learn donated over 10,
000 pounds of fresh local produce. In addition, the gardens create
safe and positive environments within at-risk communities. Staff
members are available after-school for students/community members to
learn through experience and complete community service hours. For
more information about PACT and Grow to Learn, visit


The Grow to Learn Garden Interns will work alongside garden managers
to plan and implement the garden programs at one or more of our
schoolyard garden sites. Interns will have the opportunity to work
closely with the adjoining school and local food banks to develop and
provide hands-on workshops and learning opportunities for students and
community members.

Tasks & Responsibilities:
• Work with students, teachers, and volunteers in the garden and help
facilitate hands-on activities during our lunch time and after school
• Support the garden manager in planting, watering, harvesting,
weeding, composting and other essential activities
• Harvest, weigh, record, and deliver fresh produce to food banks/programs
• Create a safe, welcoming and constructive environment for program
• Help create monthly progress reports including photos, qualitative
and quantitative information about garden success and challenges
• Attend some meetings with other PACT staff and managers
• Help coordinate and host community involvement initiatives, such as
a weekly produce stand, community/family dinners, worker-bee days,
information nights
• There is opportunity to design and work on your own idea/project
based on your interests and skills that will benefit the site

• Ability to work with and engage students, teachers and community members
• Excellent communication skills and ability to work well individually
and as part of a team
• Proactive and able to take initiative on tasks
• Interest in social justice and food security issues
• Basic knowledge of organic vegetable gardening practices considered an asset
• Own vehicle an asset but all garden sites are TTC accessible
• Vulnerable Sector Police Reference Check is required

This is an unpaid position. We can work with you and your professors
to ensure that you get credits as part of a Field study or Independent
Study Project. **Teacher Candidates Strongly Encouraged to apply!**

Hours: Part – time (15 – 25 hours, depending on garden size,) May –
September, 2015

Application deadline:

Please submit cover letter and resumé to Natalie Boustead at:
by March 1st, 2015 with “Garden Intern Application” in the subject line.

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