BC SPCA Wild ARC ,Wildlife Rehabilitation Practicum Jobs in Canada

Position: Wildlife
Rehabilitation Practicum
Organization: BC SPCA Wild ARC http://www.wildarc.com
Location: Victoria, British Columbia

BC SPCA Wild ARC practicum participants volunteer full-time under the
supervision of wildlife rehabilitators to perform animal husbandry
duties and medical treatments. Some of the skills participants acquire
include species identification, cage set-up and proper husbandry
techniques, animal handling, tube feeding, dosage calculations,
administering medication, performing lab work, data analysis and
various other procedures. Practicum participants will also interact
with and work with the facility volunteers. Participants should have
prior experience in animals handling and husbandry.

Practicum participants are asked to complete the Animal Care Workshops
required of all Animal Care Volunteers prior to the placement if
possible. Participants will participate in learning lunches and are
expected to put in the time required for the day-to-day operations of
the facility which is often more than 40 hours a week, plus any
reporting requirements of the educational credit programs. Practicums
can be completed as part of an educational requirement, or to receive
a Practicum Certificate through the International Wildlife
Rehabilitation Council.


Practicum Opportunities

Practicums are two months in length and are available during one of
the following periods:
• May – June
• July – August
• September – October

All positions are voluntary, NO stipend or salary is offered. Housing
and transportation are not provided. Please note that Wild ARC is not
located on a public transit route, thus reliable transportation is
necessary. Insurance is the responsibility of the participant.

• Minimum age of 19
• Current tetanus vaccination and good physical stamina and health
• Excellent communication and interpersonal skills
• Ability to work independently and as a team member
• Academic background in biological or environmental sciences,
veterinary medicine or animal welfare studies preferred
• Volunteer experience in wildlife rehabilitation, wildlife management
or animal care is beneficial but not required

Application Process
• Completed Application Form (found at
• Current Curriculum Vitae
• Essay describing your career goals and how a practicum at Wild ARC
will help you achieve your goals – the essay must be 1-2 typed pages
in length
• Names, type of relationship held, and phone numbers of three
references (including at least one former employer)
• If you are applying from outside of BC or Canada – please include a
paragraph explaining where you will live during the two months and
what provisions you have made for the daily commute

How to Apply

Download application and submit package by mail to:

Wildlife Rehabilitation Practicum Program
1020 Malloch Road
Victoria, BC Canada V9C 4G9

Alternatively, the full application can be scanned and emailed to:
with subject line “practicum 2015 GoodWork”.


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