Manager (Ecosystem Services)
Organization: FSC International
Job location: Bonn, Germany, Europe
Description of the position / summary of the vacancy:
The Policy Manager (Ecosystem Services) is responsible for managing
assigned projects and activities to develop procedures, guidelines,
and other supportin
g elements for the certification of Ecosystem
Main Roles and Responsibilities
• To manage the development of the FSC Procedure for the Maintenance
and Enhancement of Ecosystem Services, including methods for impact
• To manage the development of the FSC Guidance for Ecosystem Services
including management guidance.
• To manage the development of a registry for certified ecosystem services.
• To support the development of requirements for promotional claims
and trademark use related to FSC ecosystem services certification.
• To assist partners in the implementation of activities under the
Global Environment Facility co-funded project “ForCES — Forest
Certification for Ecosystem Services”.
• To manage the adaptation of FSC’s assurance model to support FSC
ecosystem services certification and coordinate training of
certification bodies.
• To assist the design and implementation of benefit models.
• To consult with stakeholders in the development of policies,
procedures, standards and guidelines.
• To monitor and analyze relevant developments of regulatory
frameworks and propose appropriate response strategies.
• To establish and maintain good relations with members, stakeholders,
certification bodies, research institutions, intergovernmental
organizations and other relevant organizations.
• To represent FSC professionally both within the FSC Network and
towards external stakeholders and audiences.
• Additional Tasks as agreed with the Program Manager (Ecosystem Services).
Application deadline: January 25, 2015
Start of employment period: as soon as possible
End of employment period: 2 years contract
For further information about the position and the application process
please go to:
We are looking forward to receiving your application.
The FSC HR Team