Ferme Juniper Farm ,Organic CSA Farm Internship Jobs in Canada

Position: Organic
CSA Farm Internship
Type: full-time internship with housing, food, stipend, more (see below)
Organization: Ferme Juniper Farm http://www.juniperfarm.ca
Location: 5 minutes from Wakefield, Quebec (30 mins north of Ottawa)

Start date: April 27th, 2015

ish date: depending on 3 month or six month position

Juniper Farm is a certified organic vegetable farm owned by us, Alex
Mackay-Smith and Juniper Turgeon. We have been operating for 9 years.
We offer 185 summer and fall CSA (Community Supported Agriculture)
shares to our local community as well as operate an on-site farm
store. We also sell to a number of Ottawa restaurants.

We grow over 60 varieties of fruits and veggies and have 5 acres of
vegetables in 15 acres of rotation on our 190 acre piece of land – a
good portion of it forest. We have 5 greenhouses and a cold cellar to
help extend our seasons. We eat almost entirely from the food that we
grow and preserve on our farm. We have new orchard trees as well as
laying hens, chickens, turkeys and beehives being integrated into the
farm circle.

Currently our farm team is made up of: us, the farm owners and
operators, our extended family, CSA workshares, five paid employees
(who are returning interns). Currently we are looking for either three
month or full season interns

What we offer:

We are offering opportunities for individuals to live and work with us
on our organic vegetable farm. By interning with us, you will learn
different aspects and details of organic vegetable farming, greenhouse
management, irrigation, and small scale animal husbandry.

Additionally, we have formed a network with other young organic
farmers in West Quebec and the Ottawa Valley where we visit each
other’s farms each month. You will have the opportunity to meet with
other interns and farmers to expand your vision of the many ways you
can farm. We are farmers that welcome the energy, curiosity and
ingenuity of others on our farm. As the farm matures we have been
building a committed and paid farm team. We have several experienced
returning employees that were once interns and each have a wealth of
knowledge to share.

The selected interns will have the opportunity to live in one of the
five individual cabins (with power) nestled in the woods. There is a
large 2nd floor common space in a renovated barn equipped with
couches, table, a small sleeping loft and wood stove. Downstairs is a
fully equipped kitchen and dining space. There is an outdoor hot
shower and composting toilet.

We prepare and eat lunch together 2 days a week with whoever is
working on the farm, which can be 5 – 10 people. Breakfast and dinner
are up to you – the garden is yours for the picking and there are
often eggs and meat available for purchase. There is a food stipend
you will receive to purchase your other food items.

Each week we make time to have a community lunch where we all gather
to discuss upcoming events, news, living and working issues.

We expect interns to work 8 hours/day and 5 days/week.

We offer a stipend of $100/week, your living space is included.

We are 5 minutes from Wakefield, Quebec a small town in the Gatineau
Hills. We are 35 min from Ottawa, Ontario.

Who we would like to find:
• Individuals who have a strong work ethic and sense of commitment and
are accustomed to physical labour
• Individuals who believe in small-scale organic agriculture and are
up for the everyday challenges that it presents.
• Individuals who can appreciate efficiency and strive to make the
farm operate as smoothly as possible.
• Individuals who enjoy living and working in a community
• Someone who is energetic, healthy, positive-minded, motivated to
work and can reflect on and manage their own emotions and processes.
• Someone who is reliable and responsible.

Other skills that you can bring to the farm are always assets ie.
Carpentry, mechanical, writing, organization, computer, design,
bilingualism etc.

How to apply:

Please write a couple of paragraphs about who you are and why you
would like to spend a season working with us on an organic vegetable
farm and send to:


Phone: 819.459.1630

We are looking forward to hearing from you!

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