Type: volunteer position / living expenses while at release site will
be covered (see below)
Organization: Orangutan Foundation International
Website: http://www.orangutan.org
Location: Pangkalan Bun, Indo
nesia, Southeast Asia / Oceania
Orangutan Foundation International is offering individuals a rare
opportunity to contribute to wildlife rehabilitation and
reintroduction in the field in Indonesian Borneo. This position
provides a unique opportunity to gain invaluable animal handling
experience while most importantly participating in the reintroduction
of Malayan sun bear cubs back into the wild. OFI’s sun bear
reintroduction program is ideal for animal keepers, ethologists,
carnivore enthusiasts, and those with an interest in gaining hands on
experience in wildlife reintroduction.
Job Description:
Orangutan Foundation International is urgently seeking new sun bear
Rehabilitators to participate in the reintroduction of young bear cubs
back into the wild in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia. The OFI Sun Bear
Reintroduction Project started in May 2011 and has progressed with the
continued influx of orphan bears into OFI’s Indonesian run Orangutan
Care Center & Quarantine (OCCQ) facility. OFI’s sun bear
rehabilitation so far has been based on the proven ‘walk-release’
method, in which the bear is walked daily in the forest by a ‘bear
walker’ (or Rehabilitator). This companionship enables the young bear
to adapt to living in the wild and develop the foraging skills
necessary to survive, while also functioning to establish a forest
territory for the bear. Previous sun bear releases suggest that human
presence during this critical time helps to deter wild bears from
displacing or attacking the young naïve cubs during the rehabilitation
Work Plan:
The Rehabilitator will work closely with local staff, sun bear
caregivers, and the Sun Bear Reintroduction team. OFI is currently
looking for rehabilitators to bond with one or more small bears to
then accompany them to the forest rehabilitation site for 6-12 months.
The entire reintroduction process could take anywhere up to 2-3 years
so those willing to commit to longer periods are welcome.
Rehabilitators will be expected to work within the existing
reintroduction team but must be aware changing conditions could result
in working alone in the forest for some periods.
The Sun Bear Rehabilitator’s in-field responsibilities include:
• Participating in the rehabilitation and release of one or more sun
bear cubs at a remote forest location
• Full length daily walks with the bear in the forest so that he/she
can adapt to living in the wild and learn the foraging skills
necessary for survival
• Daily record keeping of the bear’s behavior and important events and progress
• Radio tracking to locate and monitor the bear once he/she becomes
more confident and independent in the forest (onsite training will be
• Assisting the resident OFI field staff with camp household duties
• Participating in OFI’s other field projects, as needed
• Weekly compilation of data collected in the field, and
communications with Program Director
• Occasional article writing for OFI website and other media (photos
or video), as requested or needed
In-field training will be provided by the current sun bear
rehabilitators as the start date for this position is ASAP.
The most important factor to success in this position is a genuine
desire to establish an intense bond with the bear cub and commit to
this relationship. With limited guidance and a very flexible training
period it will be much up to the Rehabilitator and local OFI
management to decide when the cub/Rehabilitator partners are ready to
be moved to the forest release site. It must be noted that the cub
will be naturally wary of strangers and it will take some time before
the cub is comfortable with a new person, so a period of intense
adjustment must be expected. It is possible rehabilitators will be
brought in to continue with the rehabilitation of a bear already in
the forest. This would require working closely with existing
reintroduction team currently in the forest and would be up to this
team in collaboration to decide duties and work/ “walk” schedule after
training period.
Job-Specific Requirements:
• A desire to bond with a bear cub in a holistic way, this includes
being in direct physical contact with the growing bear
• Readiness to spend 10 hours a day alone in the forest with the bear
for long periods
• Must be mature, wanting to give protection, love and lots of time to
the orphan cub
• Background/interest in biology, zoology, ecology or related field
• Interest in behavioural observation data collection.
• Experience working in hot, bug ridden, heavily forested preferably
tropical environments
• Experience working with carnivores or large mammals in captivity
• Comfortable with extremely basic and isolated living conditions: one
room hut shared with other camp staff, no electricity or running
water, half hour walk plus 2 hour car ride to nearest town, limited
cellphone reception.
• A decent level of fitness, capable of walking long distances each
day carrying a light load (lunch, water, camera, notebook, etc).
• Comfort with navigating through the forest using cut trails, a
compass and GPS only. Owning your own GPS is a must.
• Confidence and willingness to become responsible for the project,
while maintaining good relationships with the field assistants and
other OFI staff
• A basic level of bahasa Indonesia or an interest in learning the
Indonesian language as this will significantly increase your success
rate as well as enjoyment of the position
General Skills and Characteristics:
• Experience traveling, working or volunteering in developing, tropical nations
• Cultural sensitivity, understanding, and adaptability
• High degree of flexibility, open-mindedness, creativity and optimism
• Strong interest in orangutans and other endangered wildlife
• Dedication to working in field conditions
• Ability and commitment to fundraise for the trip
Position Duration: Minimum 6 months, ideally 1 year or more. Starting
Application Deadline: Rolling
Volunteering with Orangutan Foundation International (OFI)
Orangutan Foundation International protects 6,000 wild orangutans in
Tanjung Puting National Park, in Kalimantan, Indonesia. Facilities
include 16 guard posts throughout the park and numerous staffed
feeding stations in addition to the Orangutan Care Center, which
rehabilitates 330 young orangutans and prepares them for return to the
wild. The majority of individuals are under 10 years old. The Centre
consists of a central clinic and units housing the older individuals,
while the outlying juvenile units and the medical quarantine facility
are set in the surrounding 80 hectare forest. Most of the orangutans
are very well-habituated to humans. They arrive in the OCCQ by
confiscation from homes, black markets, entertainment industry, and
abusive zoos.
Volunteering for OFI can have a big impact on your life and on the
lives of the thousands of orangutans we fight to protect. Each year,
OFI is grateful to receive many kind inquiries from volunteers willing
to spend weeks, months, even years in Kalimantan, helping in the
Orangutan Care Centre or in Tanjung Puting National Park.For our
successful long-term volunteers, OFI is pleased to be able to offer
letters of reference that will serve as testimony of their dedication
to our organization and the quality of the contribution they have made
to our cause. Volunteers are expected to submit a final report on what
they have learned, experienced, and accomplished during their tenure
with OFI.
Life at the OCC&Q:
The OCCQ is situated in the village of Pasir Panjang, a 15 minute
drive from the small city of Pangkalan Bun. This city has an airport
and is situated in the south of the province of Kalimantan Tengah,
Borneo, Indonesia. Volunteers work on a daily basis in the Orangutan
Care Centre and Quarantine in Pasir Panjang. Most of the locals speak
rudimentary or no English. Languages are Indonesian and local Dayak
dialect. The staff working hours are 8:00 to 16:00, with a lunch break
at around noon. If desired, the volunteer may take one day off a week.
Living arrangements are typically with a local family homestay. Living
conditions are basic, with limited running water, no landlines or
Internet (although internet is available a 10 minute ride away in the
town). The quality of care in the homes varies, from simple room
accommodation to cooking and laundry. OFI makes an effort to arrange
homestays for all its interns and volunteers, but there is an element
of unpredictability in any such arrangements. In case of emergency,
hotel/motel accommodations are present in Pangkalan Bun and even
closer to Pasir Panjang
You will be expected to cover International flights to Jakarta,
Indonesia as well as domestic flights to Pankalan Bun, Kalimantan
Tengah. It will be approximately 2.5-3 000 000 IDR per month (can also
be calculated to paid weekly) to cover your accommodations while in
the village of Pasir Panjang, this includes a room in a local homestay
and 3 basic meals a day. Living expenses while at release site will be
covered by OFI, which will be the majority of the time. You will also
be responsible for the cost of initial visa which OFI will help you
acquire, as well as renewals 3 times during each 6 month period. You
are responsible for basic field equipment. OFI can provide sleeping
mat and mosquito net for in field. However you should come equipped
with field footwear, a GPS, compass, and a list of other recommended
items that will be provided to the successful applicant.
Program Costs and Requirements:
Volunteers will be expected to cover International flights to Jakarta
Indonesia as well as domestic flights to Pangkalan Bun, Kalimantan
Tengah. Room and board ranges from 2,200,000 IDR to 3,000,000 IDR per
month in Pasir Panjang: includes three basic meals a day, electricity,
and accommodation. Additional funds should be budgeted for
miscellaneous personal expenses. (There are small local shops nearby.)
Volunteers will also be responsible for the cost of initial visa which
OFI will help you acquire, as well as renewals 3 times during the 6
months. (approx. 1,000,000 IDR average each trip). Volunteers are
responsible for basic field equipment.
The following documents are required from all volunteers prior to departure:
• Proof of vaccinations
• Negative tests results or vaccination for the following diseases:
• Hepatitis
• Tuberculosis
• Proof of travel & medical insurance
• Signed work contract
• Signed confidentiality agreement
How to Apply:
Admission to the volunteer program is competitive. To apply, please
follow these steps:
• All applicants must be members in good standing of OFI. To join OFI,
please visit: http://www.orangutan.org. The fee is $35 for a student
or senior membership.
• Download and fill out the long-term volunteer application form here:
• Submit the following documents to ofivolunteer@gmail.com
• Proof of OFI membership
• Cover letter
• Resume
• Two references
Applicants will receive a return reply from one of our volunteer
coordinators within two weeks. Please note that all of our volunteer
coordinators are themselves volunteers, so please be patient if there
is an occasional communications delay.
Contact Information:
OFI Volunteer Committee
824 Wellesley Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 90049
Telephone Number: 310-820-4906
Website: http://www.orangutan.org
E-mail Address: ofivolunteer@gmail.com
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