ALM Organic Farm and Full Circle Seeds ,Organic Farm Apprentice Job Vacancy in Canada

Position: Organic Farm Apprentice (2-3 positions
Type: full-time apprenticeships, March-Nov 2015, accommodation, food, stipend
Organization: ALM Organic Farm and Full Circle Seeds
Location: Sooke, near Victoria, Vancouve

r Island, British Columbia

ALM Organic Farm (home of Full Circle Seeds) is a thriving 15-acre
certified farm in Sooke BC located on a heritage farmstead. The farm
produces a variety of vegetables, fruit and seed growing for farmers
markets, restaurants and a box program and has been in operation since
1990. The apprenticeship program is for individuals with a serious
interest in gaining the skills necessary to grow food for market or
those who are interested in exploring farming as a career.

What you will get from an apprenticeship at our farm?

The apprenticeship program is a symbiotic relationship between the
apprentice and the farm; with full immersion in a season of farming
and the integration of a key part of our team and farm system.
Apprentices will have hands-on opportunities to learn all aspects of
how to grow a large variety of vegetables, herbs and flowers and seeds
• Overseeing a crop from seeding to harvest
• Managing a major field, greenhouse and seed crop
• Seed saving and processing
• Calendaring
• Winter gardening
• Marketing to CSA, restaurants, farmers markets
• Harvesting methods and systems
• Recordkeeping
• Crop rotation
• Compost building
• Irrigation methods

Apprentices receive lots of support learning how to manage these tasks
and be involved with much of the overall planning of the farm as well
as the nuts and bolts of certification, accounting, etc. The time is
organized by weekly walkabouts, daily, weekly and monthly task lists,
and work on both an individual and collaborative level as well as
monthly apprentice enrichment days at neighbouring farms.

What can you expect in terms of instruction and training?

Teaching is strongly hand-on, structured around building a knowledge
base and confidence as apprentices undertake an area seeing it through
seeding to harvest. As the season progresses more responsibility is
given and skills and training are further developed. Farm walkabout
occur as a group monthly to look at crops, talk about plans, make
harvest lists, etc. On a daily basis our group lunch is a very
important time for the team to communicate with general farm
discussions as well as occasional bigger discussions on topics such as
crop rotation; certification and both farm expenses and income. Print
and online resources are available to supplement field training and
occasional visits to other farms provide meaningful exchanges and

What will you receive in return?

Apprenticeships are considered to be a volunteer position but we offer
a stipend to apprentices to help offset expenses. You will receive an
excellent, well-rounded education in small-scale organic farming. We
offer accommodations in the farmhouse shared with other farm
residents/employees (smoking not permitted indoors). Apprentices keep
their own living areas clean and participate in communal area chores.
Internet, long distance telephone plan, laundry facilities and shared
computer available for use. On top of access to bulk food and
designated produce, apprentices are given a $100 monthly food
allowance and are responsible for providing their own breakfast and

What will be expected of you?

We look for highly motivated individuals who are serious about wanting
to learn and live the reality of farming. While previous experience in
the field of agriculture is an asset, it’s not necessarily required.
Apprentices need to be hard-working, dedicated, organized,
responsible, and adaptable individuals with a strong work ethic able
to work in a team as well as being comfortable working alone and being
self-motivated. You will be expected to become more and more efficient
and responsible for various aspects of the farm and learn to juggle
multiple demands as part of daily life on the farm including daily
chores. The work is diverse but can be stressful because there is
always more work to do than time to do it, particularly in the spring
during planting season. Our typical workweek is 40-50 hours, five days
per week, with one-two rotations per month at the Saturday farmer’s
market. We usually work from 8 or 9 am until 5 or 6 pm, taking long
lunch together every day (each
 person has a lunch cooking day). Harvest days (Tuesdays and Fridays)
during the summer are often longer.


Download our application here and send an email our way
( All applicants will be contacted and those deemed
a good fit for our operation will be contacted to set up a visit to
the farm and/or Skype or phone interview. We also start each
apprenticeship with a two-week trial period at the end of which we
will review and sign a contract for the rest of the season.

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