Organization: Guelph Organic Conference http://www.guelphorganicconf.ca
Location: Guelph, Ontario
Dates: January 29 – February 1, 2015
The 34th Annual 2015 Guelph Organic Conference needs volunteers to
fill a variety of positions over 4 days. Positions include
audio/visual helpers, w
orkshop monitors, registration desk, coffee
sales, coat check, set up, tear down, etc. Job descriptions are
available on the website. For 3-4 hours of volunteer time, volunteers
receive free access to workshops on the day that they volunteer. The
sooner you volunteer, the more choice and flexibility in your
Access the “Volunteer Info” tab on the home page of the Guelph
Conference (http://www.guelphorganicconf.ca), read the info and
job descriptions, then fill out the application form. By clicking
“submit”, you will automatically send your application to Kerry
Brookes, Volunteer Co-ordinator. I need 120 volunteers over 4 days,
mostly on Saturday and Sunday.
This is a great opportunity to network and become involved in the
organic movement. The weekend Expo offers more than 150 booths to
visit, while the workshops provide information from beginner to
advanced in many aspects of organics.