The Classic Theatre Festival ,Stage Manager Job Vacancy in Canada

Production name: Wait until Dark
Date production rehearsal/job
starts: 07/14/2015 
Audition date: 11/11/2014 
Audition date 2: 11/12/2014 
Deadline to submit: 10/20/2014 
The Classic Theatre Festival is
seeking a stage manager for the 2015 production of “Wait until Dark”
by Fre

derick Knott. Interviews will be held in Toronto on Nov. 11 and 12. Those
unable to attend the Toronto interviews can arrange interviews by skype. Please
include a cover letter, resume and references with your submission. Email
submissions only please; no phone calls.

Equity members hired will be engaged
under an Equity form of contract.
Email applications to:
Laurel Smith

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