/ Renters / Co-owners
Organization: Greenshire Eco Farms http://www.greenshireecofarms.com
Location: Lindsay/Kawartha Lakes, Ontario
Greenshire Eco Farms, established in 2009, is a Permaculture farm.
Permaculture goes beyond organic, leaving the land improved from its
original state: http://greenshireecofarms.com/about/permaculture/
The farm is located on a busy local and ‘cottage-country’ route in the
Kawartha Lakes northeast of Toron
to and 30 minutes northwest of
Peterborough, between Lindsay and Bobcaygeon. We grow following
organic principles but are not certified organic. However, the
previous owner lived on the property for 30 years and used no
chemicals. Therefore, the land (or portions thereof) could be
certified organic.
We are currently looking for renters who are interested in creating
personal income here on the farm in partnership with us. We have 3
bedrooms available, one for $600/month (large enough for a couple at
$650/month), one for $500 and one for $400, all inclusive. You would
have to be employed off farm to pay rent for your living space here,
while also working on the farm to gradually build personal income.
Income generating possibilities are endless, including indoors and
outside on our 100 acres. We are specifically looking for someone
interested in taking over and expanding our indoor microgreens
operation for which we have an established customer base of
restaurants. We have several indoor and outdoor projects in mind and
are open to suggestions with viable business plans from renters. The
end goal for this scenario is to build your on-farm income in order to
let your off-farm job go. Or to maintain both, depending on
preference, of course.
For all entrepreneurial projects, we would assist in marketing and
provide support. For example, the microgreens can be very lucrative
when done properly and we would like to expand this operation to other
restaurants in the area. We would do the sales expansion. You would do
the growing, and of course we would tutor you.
In addition, we are also offering co-ownership in the farm property
and business to a limited number of like-minded, hard-working,
responsible team players.
Greenshire is a commercial farm and educational centre, open to the
public for workshops and agri-entertainment: Permaculture garden tours
and natural horsemanship/equine-assisted learning demonstrations and
We have in the ground, in various types of garden beds such as
mandala, food forest, hay bale and hugelkultur:
• 40 fruit trees (sweet cherry, sour cherry, apple, pear, peach,
nectarine, persimmon, plum)
• 70 nut trees (hazelnut, almond, japanese walnut aka heartnut, sweet
chestnut, pecan, korean pine nut, black walnut)
• 1500 asparagus crowns
• seasonal vegetables and garlic
Our horses live in a naturalized boarding environment called a Paddock
Paradise (http://greenshireecofarms.com/healing-horse-centre/naturalized-boarding/)
– one of only a few in Ontario. Two certified facilitators run
workshops and sessions in Facilitated Equine Experiential Learning
(FEEL, http://greenshireecofarms.com/healing-horse-centre/feel) with
our rescue horses, helping our human clients to learn valuable life
skills and new ways to be in relationship, while rehabilitating the
horses, who often have histories of abuse and/or neglect, at the same
Cindy MacDonald