LEGION MAGAZINE Editor Job Vacancy in Canada


LEGION MAGAZINE seeks an energetic Editor for our national military history
publication. We are an award-winning magazine with an average paid circulation
of 227,029. Check out our website at www.legionmagazine.com

You must have 10 years experience as an Editor, possess excellent editing
and writing skills, have a thorough understanding of Canadian military history
and a willingness to travel.

This is a full-time position with competitive remuneration and benefits.

The successful candidate will start on Wednesday, November 12, 2014. No
phone inquiries.

Please reply in confidence with
samples of your work by 2 p.m. on Tuesday,
September 30, 2014 to:

Editor File, Legion Magazine,
86 Aird Place, Kanata ON K2L 0A1
E-mail: magazine@legion.ca

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