Organization: Winterdance Dogsled Tours
Location: Haliburton, Ontario
If you love sharing the wonders of the natural world with people, are
a passionate, fun loving person, thrive in a tight knit team
environment, adore dogs, love pushing yourself through new experiences
and winter is your favourite season we would love to hear from you!
About Us
Winterdance Dogsled Tours is in it’s 15th year of operation. Located
near the southwest corner of Algonquin Park we have 150 Purebred
Siberian Huskies and run same day tours on over 2000 acres of private
rugged untouched wilderness bordering the park. Our kennel & business
were started with
the goals of providing an opportunity for the public
to experience this amazing sport and to appreciate the beauty and
importance of undeveloped pristine wilderness. Our other goal was to
develop a long distance dogsled race team comprised of Purebred
Siberian Huskies. Our race team ran Iditarod 2010 & 2012 and the Yukon
Quest in 2011 & 2014 becoming the first Canadian Dogsled Touring
Company to finish both races. We pride ourselves on the high standard
of care that our dogs receive and expect the same care & respect
offered the dogs by our staff.
Job Description:
This is an entry level position, no dogsledding experience is
necessary but certainly a bonus. Duties will include caring for the
dogs (feeding, watering, grooming and shovelling poo) as well as
running dogsled tours with a senior guide and providing exceptional
customer service to our world wide guests. Winterdance’s philosophy is
to offer a fun, supportive, family like, small teamwork atmosphere.
Our guides are paid by the hour.
• We are a family run business with about 10 full time staff who work
very closely together for long hours so excellent teamworking skills
are essential.
• Dog lover, outgoing, fun, hard worker, excellent people skills,
adventure seeker, love working outdoors (especially in the winter!)
• In good physical condition – fitness & strength (must be able to
easliy lift a 60lb dog)
• Wilderness First Aid
• Drivers license & ideally own vehicle
• Position will run from first week of December until the end of March.
• In person interviews will be scheduled with selected candidates in
Haliburton, Ontario in early-mid October.
To apply for an incredible winter, please forward a resume, cover
letter & references to:
with the subject title “job posting”.