Organization: Ancient Forest Alliance
Location: Vancouver, British Columbia
Do you want meaningful part time or full time work that will help to
protect the environment? The Ancient Forest Alliance (AFA) is hiring
canvassers in Vancouver to help raise awareness and funds. Join a team
of environmentally-conscious people to help raise funds and
environmental awareness about BC’s endangered old-growth forests and
forestry jobs.
Team members will be learning about the ecology and politics of BC’s
forests and important communication skills to raise awareness in key
The Ancient Forest Alli
ance is the main grassroots organization in all
of BC working to protect the last stands of our Ancient Forests, and
to ensure sustainable forestry jobs in the province. The success of
the AFA has been made possible through the work of the canvass team.
Be part of an amazing team of canvassers and make a positive impact!
The canvass team goes out Monday to Friday evenings (where we meet
between 4:30 and 5pm and canvass from 5:30 / 6 until 8:30 / 9pm).
There is a minimum two night per week commitment, which can be any of
the nights and can change from week to week. Canvassers earn a modest
income. Full and part time work available. Hiring will be ongoing
throughout the year.
To apply, contact Kevin at: