Organization: The People’s Climate March
Website: | Avaaz
Locations: Edmonton & Worldwide
On September 21st, the eve of a historic summit on climate change,
people across the world will take to the streets in their hundreds and
thousands to inspire the world’s most powerful leaders to take
ambitious action on the climate crisis.
With our future on the line and the world watching, we have the
opportunity to meet this moment with unprecedented mobilizations in
cities across the globe.
From New York to London and Delhi to Australia, we’ll take to the
streets to d
emand the world as we know is within our reach: a world
with an economy that works for the people; a world safe from the
ravages of climate change; a world with good jobs, clean air and
water, and healthy communities.
There is only one ingredient required: to change everything, we need everyone.
We are looking for volunteers for September 21, 2014.
Climate change is a major problem everyone knows about but few have
acted on. We are calling our world leaders out, to put into action
solutions that reduce the raise of ocean temperatures and acidity.
Edmonton may not be on the coasts but change in the ecosystems effect
the whole world!
If you are looking for a volunteer event that will blow people away
this is the one. We are expecting 2000-5000 people. This event is
global so make sure you pick the right area when you click on one of
the links below.
Email me if you are interested in volunteering or donating money: (Edmonton)