Type: full-time vol./work-stay with accom., food, education, more (see below)
Organization: Innisfree Farm
Website: http://www.innisfreefarm.org/
Location: Courtenay, Vancouver Island, British Columbia
We are a small farm, a large botanical medicine garden, a large
culinary herb garden, a large vegetable garden, 40 hens, a few fruit
and nut trees, a labyrinth, a swimming pool we call a pond, on the
edge of the biggest provincial park in BC. We are also a registered
botanic garden, a living plan
t sanctuary, a biophilia centre.
We are looking for one or two Interns to finish the season, up to mid
November. You work hard physically 35 hours a week for two to three
months and in exchange you get an education in soil biology, organic
farming, botanical medicine, food and nutrition, and other related
Accommodation simple and comfortable, lunches are outstanding. All
your food is provided. We are organic nature lovers and we require the
same. We need an additional Intern for early September to early
November. Let me know if you fit in the picture.
You can find more details about the Internships on our web site and
the interview page to let us know your values and skill set.
Apply to Thierry Vrain,