Olofsson Construction Green Build Videographer Job Vacancy in Canada

Position: Green Build Videographer
Organization: Olofsson Construction http://www.olofsson.ca
Location: Vancouver, British Columbia

Our company, Olofsson Construction, is building one of Vancouver’s
first Passive Houses with architecture firm DLP Architecture. We are
seeking a videography intern who is passionate about sustainability,
carpentry, architecture, and film to help us capture the unique
process of building a passive house from the ground up. Passive house
is a style of building which reduces energy and heating demands by up
to 90% by super-insulating the building envelope, taking advantage of
solar gains and shading, and utilizing ventilation and heat recovery
systems to keep internal air fresh and comfortable.

We hope to create a very short weekly or bi-weekly edit highlighting
the different techniques and benefits of building passive and how it
can be done. All videography and editing work will be credited to the
artist and available for use in their portfolio. We are hoping to find
someone available approximately once a week for 1-2 hours for film and
edit work. The site is located in East Vancouver on Adanac Street.
Work will begin ASAP

Please send work examples and a brief cover letter highlighting why
you are interested in the work to:

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