Mossy Banks Farm Organic, Permaculture-based Farm Work/trade Job Vacancy in Canada

Position: Organic,
Permaculture-based Farm Work/trade
Type: volunteer/work-trade position with room and board
Organization: Mossy Banks Farm
Location: Duncan, Vancouver Island, British Columbia

I know of a wonderful opportunity opening up in the near future on an
organic, permaculture-based farm on Richards Trail in the Cowichan
Valley: a work trade arrangement – your work on the farm in exchange
for room and board.

The farm has many things happening – vegetable gardens, a quarter acre
food forest recently established, and a three-quarter acre food forest
to be planted workshop style th

is coming August. It is also home to
sheep, ducks, chickens, and turkeys year round, and seasonally raises
meat birds, pigs, and turkeys.

Skills and experiences await to be discovered here by you, but already
gained experience always helps – especially in the areas of
construction, animal husbandry, vegetable gardens, wildcrafting,
propagating plants, and more! There may be room for you to earn
personal income on the farm: you can start up a rabbit operation,
plant propagation business, wormery – the opportunities are nearly
endless! But space is limited. The owner is open to ideas and

Tucked away in a bend of Richards Trail, the farm is a beautiful
paradise cut off from view of the road by the second growth forest
that surrounds it. With 17 acres of marshland, woods with all sorts of
wild mushrooms growing throughout the year, three acres of bluffs, and
around seven acres of sheep fields and gardens, there is lots to
explore on this 37 acre property. The Teafarm is a twenty minute walk
down the road, Mount Richard is a wonderful hiking ground, and all the
beautiful homes and farmland along the roads in the neighbourhood mean
even more to explore off the property.

The farm is a fifteen-minute drive from downtown Duncan, and about
forty minutes from Nanaimo.

For more information, please check out the website at .
If you’re interested in pursuing this adventure, please email Lynn at:
so we can get in touch and see if it is a good fit for all involved.

Thanks! And please do pass this information on to anyone you think may
be interested.

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