Audition Notice – The Wild Party

Production name: The
Wild Party

Date production
rehearsal/job starts: 01/27/2015

Audition date:
Audition date 2: 09/14/2014
Audition date 3: 09/15/2014

Deadline to submit: 08/27/2014

Ethno-cultural mandate or ethno-cultural casting statement: Acting Up Stage
Company and Obsidian Theatre are equal opportunity employers. All roles are
open to actors of any race and/or ethnicity except where specified due to the
play’s requirements.

By Michael John LaChiusa a

nd George C. Wolfe
Director: Robert McQueen
Musical Director: Bob Foster
Choreographer: Stephanie Graham
Sally- 20s female. A
heavy-lidded heroine addict and a lost soul. Soprano to high A. (Nudity may be
required. Note: No nudity shall be permitted at interviews or auditions.)

Mae- late 20s-40s
Caucasian female. An ex-chorine friend of Queenie’s. Belter / mix to high E

Nadine- Caucasian
female to play Mae’s 14-year-old kid sister. High belter with great mix-sop
notes to an E.

Black- 20-40s male.
Any ethnicity. Smooth-talking, confident, strikingly handsome, suave, cool.
Baritone to an F sharp

Jackie: 20s-40s male
Any ethnicity. Striking, flirtatious, bisexual, on the outside a charming
extrovert, he has a vicious nasty streak. A-high A

Oscar & Phil
D’Armano-  20s-40s African-American “brother act.” Accomplished
entertainers and lovers.
One tenor to a high C
One Baritone to a high A both
*ability to play the piano is an assest

Gold &
Goldberg-  Caucasian males, 30s-60s. Jewish theatre producers.
Gold – low B to very high C sharp
Goldberg – low B to high A flat

Full breakdown:
Submit photo and
resume by August 27, 2014 via Breakdown Express or

Equity members will
be seen first at all open audition calls. Equity members cast in this
production will be engaged under an Equity form of contract. CAEA members:
please bring your membership card to the audition.

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