I Need Your Advise: My Boyfriend Wants us to Move from a Relationship to Casual Sex

Sandra asks: “I
was in a relationship with a guy 14 years younger than me – I’m 37 and he’s 23.
He adored me, the sex life was great and he was the one who was always saying
he loved me and that he wanted to be with me forever. I also have a 6 year old
boy but he felt that wasn’t a problem.

Suddenly, four
months into the relationship he started saying that he wasn’t good enough for
me that he wasn’t good at relationships. Of course he still loved me and it was
nothing to do with my wee boy, although he did state he was not ready to be a
family. Interestingly, I have never mentioned us being a family and was
certainly not looking for it, although I had always stated that I came as a
package with my son and my son always came first. He said that was never a
problem and went so far as to praise me as a mum.

Anyway. Now wants us
to see each other but with no commitment and no relationship – although there
would still be sex. Neither of us would see anyone else but if someone came
along for me he wouldn’t stand in my way. I don’t know what to do because I do
love him deeply and thought we might have a future but never mentioned it to
him. What do I do?”

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