The Ministry of Trade and Industry (MINICOM) mission is to facilitate Rwanda’s economic transformation through enabling a competitive private sector integrated into regional and global markets, while ensuring a level playing field and the protection of consumers. Toward this goal, MINICOM intends to explore the development of trade and transport logistics facilities both in and outside of Rwanda (the Integrated Trade Logistics Facilities-ITLF Project) on a PPP basis. With support from TradeMark East Africa (TMEA), MINICOM now seeks to pre-qualify firms who shall be invited to tender to act as Transaction Advisor to MINICOM for this project.
Terms of reference for this consultancy and the application form can be obtained at TMEA’s website Any queries should be directed to The closing date for applications is July 13, 2012. Applications should be emailed to All email attachments must be 5MB or less. Only successful applicants will be contacted.
Deadline: 13 July 2012