CRIMINAL CODE: A code of laws regarding offences in force in the southern states of Nigeria.
PENAL CODE: A code of laws in force in the northern states of Nigeria and the Federal Capital Territory.
BAIL: A surety or undertaking for the appearance of an accused person in court on a certain day and time to answer to a court of Law for trial. Bail is free and where a deposit is required to be made for bail it is properly receipted and returned at the end of the trial.
Both men and women are permitted by Law to stand surety for bail, but it is still difficult for police to accept a female surety, for example the son of a very successful woman was questioned for dangerous driving, the police refused to grant him bail with the mother as surety but allowed the mother’s driver. The reluctance is based on their perception that it requires physical strength to produce a reluctant accused and a female will not have the strength.
CRIMINAL RESPONSIBILITY: liable to punishment for an offence.
UNLAWFUL CARNAL KNOWLEDGE: Means sexual connection which takes place otherwise than between husband and wife.