RNRA is an authority that heads the management of promotion of natural resources which is composed of land, water, forests, mines and geology. It is entrusted with supervision, monitoring and to ensure the implementation of all issues relating to promotion and protection of natural resources.
In order to implement its mission, the Rwanda Natural Resources Authority is seeking to recruit competent candidates to fill the following vacant positions in its Departments of Forestry and Nature Conservation and Integrated Water Resources Management, positions that are in its structure gazetted in the official gazette no 50bis of 13/12/2010 :
.Director of Water Research, Monitoring and Quality Management Unit
.Water Resources Planning and Regulation Unit
.Director of Transboundary & International Water Affairs Unit
.Director of Water Resources Planning and Regulation Unit
.Water use planning officer
.Administrative Assistant to Deputy Director General ‘s .Office/Forest & Nature Conservation Department
.Forest planning officer
.Forestry Licensing Officer
.Biomass Energy Officer
.Forest Mapping officer
.Director of forest research and extension unit
.Forest research liaison officer
.4 Forest extension officers
.Director of Critical environment management unit
.Critical Marshland management officer
.Natural forest ecosystem management officer
.Biodiversity officer
.Director of forestry inspection and monitoring unit
.5 Forest inspectors
.2 Water Quality Officers
.2 Water Data and information Management Officers
.4 Water Resource Monitoring Net worker officers
.International Water affairs Officer
.Regional Water programmes Officer
.Water use Regulation Officer
.Water Permit administrators
.Water use planning officer
.2 Water Data and information Management Officers
.2 Ground water Officers
.2 Surface Water Management Officers
.Director of Water Research, Monitoring and Quality Management Unit
.Water Users ‘Capacity Building Officer
.Planning and Monitoring Officer
.Administrative Assistant to DDG’s Office Integrated Water .resources Management Department.
Please visit the link below to find all Post details
Interested candidates should submit their application files including the following documents at RNRA Headquarters (at Remera Kismenti opposite to CNLG ) :
Well filled application forms available to the websites of the Public Service Commission (www.psc.gov.rw);
A copy of the required degree (not certified)
A copy of the Identity Card (not certified)
Application documents should be deposited at the reception of Rwanda Natural Resources Authority not later than 30/03/2012 at 5:00 pm.
N.B : The dossier becomes the property of RNRA as soon as submitted. Incomplete files will not be considered. Candidates fulfilling required conditions will be short-listed and notified for the next step.
Done at Kigali, on 22/03/2012.
Director General and Registrar of Land Titles