United Nations/ Japan Long-term Fellowship Programme on Nano-Satellite Technologies, Japan

The United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs and the Government of Japan in cooperation with the Kyushu Institute of Technology (KIT) have established a United Nations/Japan Long-term Fellowship Programme on Nano-Satellite Technologies for nationals of developing countries or countries with economy in transition. This “Doctorate in Nano-Satellite Technologies (DNST)” Fellowship Programme entails participation in a three-year PhD programme, concluding with the award of a doctorate degree in Nano-Satellite Technologies (Doctor of Engineering) after successful thesis defence. Tuition, living and travel cost for up to two candidates per year will be covered by KIT and the United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs.
The second round of the Fellowship Programme will begin in October 2012 and lasts for three years for each participant. The Programme will provide extensive research opportunities in nano-satellite systems through the use of the nano-satellitedevelopment and testing facilities available at KIT. Applications for the Fellowship Programme will be accpeted until 30 April 2012.

DNST Fellowship Programme Details

Application Requirements

Applicants should

  • be nationals of developing countries or countries with economy in transition;
  • be duly nominated by their institutions;
  • be not older than forty (40) years by 1 October 2012;
  • have the academic and professional backgrounds required by the specific fellowship programme. Candidates for the DNST Programme are expected to have completed studies ending with a Master Degree or equivalent (5 years university degree) in engineering-related subjects. Degrees in different technological fields can be considered by the Doctor Commission; and
  • be able to make professional use of the experience gained in the fellowship programme.

Information Note and Application Form

To be considered in the selection process the completed application form and all other requested supporting documents must be received by the United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs no later than on 30 April 2012.

Following the application deadline the United Nations will review all applications for eligibility and will make a pre-selection of the most qualified candidates. The final selection of the two successful candidates who will be offered a fellowship will be made by KIT on the basis of the evaluation of the application documents received.
Upon their notification the successful candidates will be asked to submit additional documents necessary for admission to KIT. A listof these additional documents can be found here. As these additional documents will have to arrive at KIT no later than June 4, 2012 (Japan time), all applicants are encouraged to consult the list to be prepared for the submission of these documents in case they will be selected as successful candidates.
For any further questions regarding the DNST, please contact unpsa@unoosa.org.

Timeline of the Selection Process

The timeline anticipated for the selection process of the Fellowship Programme is as follows:

  • December 2011-April 2012: Dissemination of information on the Fellowship Programme to potential candidates worldwide and application period.
  • 30 April 2012: Submission deadline – all application documents received by UNOOSA.
  • May 2012: Selection of two successful candidates. At this stage all applicants will be informed about the outcome of their application. Telephone interviews are planned in the week of May 7th, 2012. Selection of supervisors at KIT.
  • May-June 2012: Discussion and finalization of research and study plan between the successful candidates and their supervisors. Successful candidates will submit additional documents to KIT by June 4, 2012 (Japan time).
  • July 2012: Formal admission and administration to obtain student visa.
  • September 2012: Travel arrangements for the candidates to Japan
  • October 2012: Beginning of the Fellowship Programme at KIT.

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