US students who who are studying in Japan for the academic year 2012-2013.
Eligible students include juniors and seniors at US universities with an interest in policy, economics, or international finance who have been accepted for study in Japan.
Co-sponsors of the scholarships are the US-Japan Bridging Foundation and the American Association of Teachers of Japanese, which will coordinate the collection of applications and the initial selection process. The final selection of scholarship recipients will be made by Morgan Stanley management in Tokyo.
To compete for the Morgan Stanley Japan scholarships, students must comply with the following procedure:
1. Submit a complete application for the Bridging Scholarship to the Bridging Project Clearinghouse (AATJ, UCB 366, 1424 Broadway, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO 80309-0366). Bridging Scholarship application forms and information can be found at The deadline for receipt of applications is April 6, 2012.
2. In addition, send to the Bridging Project Clearinghouse a 6-10-page research paper on one of the following topics: (The paper’s conclusions should rely on both primary and secondary sources, in print as well as online.)
1. The financial and economic turmoil that began in 2008 has affected countries all over the globe. How has the crisis impacted the Japanese economy? What does the upheaval say about Japan’s economic strengths, its weaknesses, and the policy prescriptions Japan needs for future prosperity?
2. The “triple blow” that was dealt to Japan by the March 11, 2011, earthquake and tsunami in the Tohoku region and the subsequent and ongoing nuclear crisis in Fukushima have had economic as well as human impacts that may linger for some time. How could Japan best turn this crisis into an opportunity for the future of the country?
3. How are geopolitical developments in China and Asia affecting the Japanese economy and its capital markets? What are the costs and benefits of a more active or a more passive stance on contributions by Japan to regional and global issues?
4. What will be the impact of Japan’s declining population on its domestic economy and status as a global economic power?
The deadline for receipt of the research paper (which should be submitted by e-mail to ) is April 6, 2012.
Download a Morgan Stanley Scholarship brochure.
The results of the scholarship competition will be announced in June 2012.