Positions available and fields
The Scuola Normale Superiore (SNS) is accepting applications for 30 PhD positions for the 2012-2013 academic year in the following fields of the Faculty of Arts:
Classical Languages, Linguistics and History
Modern Languages and Linguistics
History (from Medieval to Contemporary)
Art History
The Scuola Normale Superiore PhD is a three-year program beginning 1 November 2012.
Admission requirements
For their application to be considered, candidates must
- be a citizen of one of the nations of the European Union (EU)
- be born after 31 October 1982
- have completed an MA or equivalent or undertake to complete it within 31 October 2012
- not have already completed a PhD or equivalent degree
- have never, or no more than once, previously applied for a PhD at the Scuola Normale Superiore
- not have been the object of any of the sanctions or legal judgments indicated in Attachment A, point a.1
- know at least one of the following languages: English, French, German, Italian, Spanish.
The Admission Committee reserves the right to verify during the interview that the candidate’s Italian is sufficient for active and profitable participation in his/her chosen field of study.
Application deadline and process
Application for admission to the selection must be made exclusively in English or Italian using the Application Form provided in Attachment B and signed by the candidate. The application with all required information and documentation indicated in Attachment A, points a.2 and a.3, must be sent exclusively by e-mail, exclusively in PDF format, to concorso.ammissione@sns.it by Wednesday, 1 August 2012.
Late arrival of the application and/or attachments, irrespective of the cause, will result in non-admission to the competition.
All personal data is protected under Italian law (no. 196 – 30 June 2003).
For information concerning this Call, contact the Head of the Student Services, Mario Landucci (tel. +39 050 509237, e-mail: m.landucci@sns.it), or the other staff members of this office at: concorso.ammissione@sns.it or by phone: Silvia Carresi +39 050.509663, Silvia Quaglieri +39 050.509847, Ambra Vettori +39 050.509026.
For information concerning this Call, contact the Head of the Student Services, Mario Landucci (tel. +39 050 509237, e-mail: m.landucci@sns.it), or the other staff members of this office at: concorso.ammissione@sns.it or by phone: Silvia Carresi +39 050.509663, Silvia Quaglieri +39 050.509847, Ambra Vettori +39 050.509026.
This Call for Applications is composed of four documents considered integral parts of this Call:
- Call
- Call – Further Information
- Attachment A – Regulations and Provisions 4. Attachment B – Application Form.
Applicants are advised to read and consult all four.