PhD Scholarships in Arts, Scuola Normale Superiore (SNS), Italy

Positions available and fields
The Scuola Normale Superiore (SNS) is accepting applications for 30 PhD positions for the 2012-2013 academic year in the following fields of the Faculty of Arts:

Classical Languages, Linguistics and History
Modern Languages and Linguistics
History (from Medieval to Contemporary)
Art History

The Scuola Normale Superiore PhD is a three-year program beginning 1 November 2012.
Admission requirements
For their application to be considered, candidates must
  1. be a citizen of one of the nations of the European Union (EU)
  2. be born after 31 October 1982
  3. have completed an MA or equivalent or undertake to complete it within 31 October 2012
  4. not have already completed a PhD or equivalent degree
  5. have never, or no more than once, previously applied for a PhD at the Scuola Normale Superiore
  6. not have been the object of any of the sanctions or legal judgments indicated in Attachment A, point a.1
  7. know at least one of the following languages: English, French, German, Italian, Spanish.
The Admission Committee reserves the right to verify during the interview that the candidate’s Italian is sufficient for active and profitable participation in his/her chosen field of study.
Application deadline and process
Application for admission to the selection must be made exclusively in English or Italian using the Application Form provided in Attachment B and signed by the candidate. The application with all required information and documentation indicated in Attachment A, points a.2 and a.3, must be sent exclusively by e-mail, exclusively in PDF format, to by Wednesday, 1 August 2012.
Late arrival of the application and/or attachments, irrespective of the cause, will result in non-admission to the competition.
All personal data is protected under Italian law (no. 196 – 30 June 2003).
For information concerning this Call, contact the Head of the Student Services, Mario Landucci (tel. +39 050 509237, e-mail:, or the other staff members of this office at: or by phone: Silvia Carresi +39 050.509663, Silvia Quaglieri +39 050.509847, Ambra Vettori +39 050.509026.
This Call for Applications is composed of four documents considered integral parts of this Call:
  1. Call
  2. Call – Further Information
  3. Attachment A – Regulations and Provisions 4. Attachment B – Application Form.
Applicants are advised to read and consult all four.

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