– Spring and Autumn Deadlines –
Positions available and fields of study
The Scuola Normale Superiore (SNS) is accepting applications for 4 PhD positions for academic year
2012-2013 in the Faculty of Arts, with two application deadlines (Spring and Autumn 2012) in:
Classical Languages, Linguistics and History
Modern Languages and Linguistics
History(from Medieval to Contemporary)
Art History
Applicants will be evaluated based on their CV, work to date, proposed research/study plan and interview.
The SNS PhD is a three-year program beginning 1 November 2012. The perfezionamento diploma of the SNS is for all purposes equivalent to the research doctorate (PhD) diploma issued by Italian universities.
Admission requirements
Only citizens from non-European Union nations may apply.
Candidates must have been born after 31 October 1982. Additional requirements are:
1. completion of an MA or equivalent degree prior to application deadline
2. not to have completed a research doctorate or equivalent
3. to have never or no more than once before applied for a PhD at the SNS
4. not to have been object of any of the sanctions or legal actions indicated at point a.1 in Attachment A .
Candidates must also know at least one of the following languages: English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, and must possess adequate knowledge of Italian to consent academic work and research.
Application deadline and procedures
Application for admission must be made exclusively in Italian or English by completing in full and signing the Application Form (Attachment B). Completed applications must arrive at the SNS by
• Thursday 29 March 2012 for the Spring deadline
• Friday 21 September 2012 for the Autumn deadline.
Completed applications must be accompanied by all required attachments indicated at point a.3. in Attachment A, which students are invited to read in full. Completed Applications and Attachments must be sent exclusively by e-mail in .pdf format to concorso.ammissione@sns.it
All personal data is protected under Italian law (no. 196 – 30 June 2003).
For information concerning this Call, contact the Head of the Student Services, Mario Landucci (tel. +39 050 509237, e-mail: m.landucci@sns.it), or the other staff members of this office at: concorso.ammissione@sns.it or by phone: Silvia Carresi +39 050.509663, Silvia Quaglieri +39 050.509847, Ambra Vettori +39 050.509026.
This Call for Applications is composed of four documents considered integral parts of this Call:
1. this Call,
2. Call – Further Information,
3. Attachment A – Regulations and Provisions,
4. Attachment B – Application Form.
Applicants are advised to read and consult all four.
• Call for applications – Further Information (PDF)