New Zealand Business and Parliament Trust Scholarship at Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand

History or background of award
This Scholarship was established in 2010 to encourage postgraduate research into the role of Parliament in the policy process and the wider community.

Purpose of award
The Scholarship shall be awarded annually to a student intending to enrol in either an honours or a taught Masters programme in the year following application, in either the Political Science and International Relations Programme or the School of Government, with the intention of completing a research essay on an aspect of the role of Parliament in the policy process and the wider community.

Selection criteria
The scholarship will be awarded to the most deserving candidate based on:
(a) A completed application form available from the link above.
(b) A brief 1 – 2 page outline of the intended research project
(c) Academic transcripts (these are only necessary if all previous University study has not been completed at Victoria)

Number of awards offered


Tenure of award
One year

Closing dates for applications
Sunday 15 January 2012
 Tuesday 15 January 2013

How do students apply?
Applications must be submitted to the Scholarships Office by the due date. However, applicants are free to consult either the Head of the School of Government or the Head of the Political Science and International Relations Programme about their proposed/intended research project if they wish.

Documentation required:
(a) A completed application form available from the link above.
(b) A brief 1 – 2 page outline of the intended research project
(c) Academic transcripts (these are only necessary if all previous University study has not been completed at Victoria)

Decision makers
The Scholarship shall be awarded on the joint recommendation of the Head of the School of Government and the Head of the Political Science and International Relations Programme.

How and when do students learn of the decision?
As soon as possible after application.

What conditions are attached to acceptance of this award?
The successful applicant will be expected to write a letter of thanks to the donor and may be expected to attend a presentation ceremony at Parliament with representatives of the New Zealand Business and Parliament Trust, the Victoria University of Wellington Political Science and International Relations Programme, and the Victoria University of Wellington School of Government.

Additional information

Who else has information about this award?

For guidelines, application forms and more information about this award contact:

The Scholarships Office
Victoria University of Wellington
PO Box 600
New Zealand
Phone: (04) 463 5113 or (04)463 5557

Disclaimer: Every effort has been made to ensure the above information is current and correct. However, applicants should contact the appropriate administering body before making an application, as details do change frequently.

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