Doctoral – Postdoctoral Program in Mathematics Education in Germany

The International Research Training Group (IGDK 1754) “Optimization and Numerical Analysis for Partial Differential Equations with Nonsmooth Structures” funded by German Research Foundation (DFG) and Austrian Science Fund (FWF) associated with the four universities

• Technische Universität München,
• Universität der Bundeswehr München,
• Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz, and
• Technische Universität Graz
invites applications for

10 Doctoral positions (75% TV-L 13) in Munich and 5 Doctoral positions (75%) in Graz
for research projects concerned with numerical methods and optimization algorithms in the context of partial differential equations. See the list of projects for details.

The positions are awarded for up to 3 years, starting on March 1, 2012 or later.

Successful applicants hold a master degree (or Diplom degree) in Mathematics with a strong background in one of the fields of numerics, optimization, or analysis. A good command of the English language, mobility, and a strong interest in applied mathematics are necessary prerequisites.

Applicants are asked to submit a curriculum vitae, copies of certifications of academic qualifications held, a copy of a degree thesis or of a peer-reviewed publication (if available) and two letters of recommendation. Additionally, the candidates are asked to inform themselves beforehand about the spectrum of the available PhD topics and to order them according to their interest, giving written explanations for their choice within the application letter.

The IGDK 1754 aims at increasing the proportion of female staff and especially encourages women to apply. This policy applies also to disabled persons.

To ensure full consideration, all information should preferably be received by January 31, 2012. Applications should be sent by email to both speakers Prof. Dr. Boris Vexler (vexler and Prof. Dr. Karl Kunisch (karl.kunisch

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