Assistant /Associate Professor in Process Technology with Focus on Dairy Processing at University of Copenhagen Denmark

Department of Food
Science, Faculty of Life Sciences, University of Copenhagen invites
applications for a position as Assistant / Associate professor of Process
Technology with Focus on Dairy Processing from 1st May 2012 or
as soon possible thereafter.

The Department of
Food Science performs research and offers university education programs within
food science and technology. The department has approx. 180 employees, the
majority of whom are employed through externally financed research projects and
around 50% of the turnover originates from external grants. The research is
primary related to food quality and safety and the traditional disciplines
within food science are combined with new research areas such as
nanotechnology, chemometrics and biotechnology. The Dairy Technology group is
one of five research groups at the Department of Food Science and has focus on
dairy products, milk-based ingredients and production processes. The group has
the aim of generating basic knowledge of the physical, chemical, biochemical
and microbiological processes that affect and control the sensory and
nutritional quality as well as the storage stability of dairy products.
assistant/associate professor´s duties will primarily include research,
including obligations with regard to publication/scientific communication and
research-based teaching with associated examination obligations within Process
Technology with Focus on Dairy Processing. To a limited extent this may also
include performance of other duties.
During the period of
employment as assistant professor, the applicant will have to complete
educational training.
For the post of
associate professor, such duties may also include performance of research
management, educational guidance and supervision of assistant professors and
professional assessment work.
Qualifications –
selection criteria
Applicants must have
an academic degree within Processing Technology, Food Science or a related
area. Qualifications within several of the following scientific areas are
  • Food processing
  • Principles and design of
    industrial processing equipment for the food industry
  • Food chemical engineering
    including fluid flow, mixing, heat transfer and mass transfer
  • Computer modelling of
    food/chemical processes
  • Ingredient functionality and the
    effects of processing on functionality
  • Documented scientific qualifications
    such as a Ph.D. or equivalent in relation to the above subject area(s)
In addition, it would
preferable if the appointee has:
  • Practical experience from
    pilot-plant operation
  • Documented research and teaching
  • Well-developed social and interaction
After a period, the
assistant professor, following agreement and individual positive assessment,
will transfer to a position as an associate professor.
In connection with
the appointment to the post of associate professor special importance
will be attached to the applicant having the professional and personal
qualifications stated below:
  • Research and teaching
    qualifications corresponding to what can be achieved through satisfactory
    appointment as an assistant professor in relation to the above subject
  • Documented ability for cooperation
    with external partners.
If the applicant has
had no previous teaching experience through employment as an assistant
professor or has not achieved corresponding teaching experience, the appointment
will be probationary for 1½ years
For both appointment
categories, the assistant/associate professor is also required to be
enterprising and to possess good interpersonal skills.
Terms of employment
The post will be
filled according to the Agreement between the Danish Ministry of Finance and
the Danish Confederation of Professional Associations. The post is covered by
the Protocol on Job Structure.
Applications will be
assessed according to the Ministry of Science Technology and Innovation
Executive Order no 284 of 25. April 2008. Read more about the recruitment
process at LIFE here.
The University of
Copenhagen welcomes applications from suitably qualified candidates regardless
of age, gender, race, religion or ethnic background.
For further
information about the post, please contact professor Richard Ipsen, Dairy
Technology, Department of Food Science at tel (+45) 3533 3225,
or Head of Department Department of Food Science, Bjarke Bak Christensen at tel
(+45) 353 33212,
Potential applicants
from outside Denmark will find information about life in Denmark (taxation,
healthcare etc) at
Apply by clicking
“Apply online” below.
Applications – in
English – must include:
  • Cover letter
  • CV with documentation of
  • A complete list of publications
  • A maximum of 10 relevant
    scientific works which the applicant wishes to be included in the
  • Documentation for additional
    research qualifications.
  • Teaching portfolio (for
    assistant professors)
    • Participation in development of
      educations and seminars
    • Development of educational
    • Experience with examination
      and/or censorship
  • Teaching portfolio (for
    associate professors)
    (according to University of Copenhagen?s
    guidelines for teaching portfolios)
    • Teaching experience, including
      type (lectures, practicals, other), level (Bachelor, Master, PhD) and
    • Formal pedagogic training
      including courses, conferences or other.
    • Evaluation of teaching by
      students, employers or others.
    • Leadership and/or administration
      of education including study and/or curricula committees, commissions or
    • Pedagogical development including
      course, teaching and exam development as well as pedagogical research.
    • Personal description of
      pedagogical experience, goals, methods and success in terms of student
Notes referring to
the most important scientific work (2-3 pages) (for associate professors)
Please submit your
application no later than 1st March 2012.
Only electronic
applications are accepted.


Publisher: Det Biovidenskabelige Fakultet

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